Source code for chaosmagpy.chaos

# Copyright (C) 2024 Clemens Kloss
# This file is part of ChaosMagPy.
# ChaosMagPy is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE in the root of the
# repository for full licensing details.

`chaosmagpy.chaos` provides classes and functions to read the CHAOS model and
other geomagnetic field models.

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: classes
    :template: myclass.rst


.. autosummary::
    :toctree: functions



import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
import scipy.interpolate as sip
import hdf5storage as hdf
import h5py
import textwrap
import datetime
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from . import coordinate_utils as cu
from . import model_utils as mu
from . import data_utils as du
from . import plot_utils as pu
from . import config_utils

[docs] class Base(object): """ Piecewise polynomial base class. """ def __init__(self, name, breaks=None, order=None, coeffs=None, meta=None): = str(name) # ensure breaks is None or has 2 elements if breaks is not None: breaks = np.asarray(breaks, dtype=float) if breaks.size == 1: breaks = np.append(breaks, breaks) self.breaks = breaks self.pieces = None if breaks is None else int(breaks.size - 1) if coeffs is None: self.coeffs = coeffs self.order = None if order is None else int(order) self.dim = None else: coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs, dtype=float) if order is None: self.order = coeffs.shape[0] else: self.order = min(int(order), coeffs.shape[0]) self.coeffs = coeffs[-self.order:] self.dim = coeffs.shape[-1] self.meta = meta
[docs] def synth_coeffs(self, time, *, dim=None, deriv=None, extrapolate=None): """ Compute the coefficients from the piecewise polynomial representation. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in modified Julian date. dim : int, positive, optional Truncation value of the number of coefficients (no truncation by default). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (None defaults to 0). extrapolate : {'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'spline', 'constant', \ 'off'} or int, optional Extrapolate to times outside of the piecewise polynomial bounds. Specify the polynomial degree as string or the order as an integer. Defaults to ``'linear'`` (equiv. to order-2 polynomials). +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Value | Description | +============+===================================================+ | 'constant' | Use degree zero polynomial only (extrapolate=1). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'linear' | Use degree-1 polynomials (extrapolate=2). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'quadratic'| Use degree-2 polynomials (extrapolate=3). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'cubic' | Use degree-3 polynomials (extrapolate=4). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'spline' | Use all degree polynomials. | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'off' | Return NaN outside model bounds (extrapolate=0). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ Returns ------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (..., ``dim``) Array containing the coefficients. """ if (self.coeffs is None) or (self.coeffs.size == 0): raise ValueError(f'Coefficients of "{}" are missing.') # handle optional argument: dim if dim is None: dim = self.dim elif dim > self.dim: warnings.warn( 'Supplied dim = {0} is incompatible with number of ' 'coefficients. Using dim = {1} instead.'.format( dim, self.dim)) dim = self.dim if deriv is None: deriv = 0 if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = 'linear' # linear extrapolation # setting spline interpolation PP = sip.PPoly.construct_fast( self.coeffs[..., :dim].astype(float), self.breaks.astype(float), extrapolate=True) start = self.breaks[0] end = self.breaks[-1] if (np.amin(time) < start) or (np.amax(time) > end): dkey = { 'linear': 2, 'quadratic': 3, 'cubic': 4, 'constant': 1, 'spline': self.order, 'off': 0 } # convert extrapolation input to integer if isinstance(extrapolate, bool): key = 2 if extrapolate else 0 elif isinstance(extrapolate, str): try: key = dkey[extrapolate] except KeyError: string = '", "'.join([str(key) for key in dkey.keys()]) raise ValueError( f'Unknown extrapolation method "{extrapolate}". Use ' f'one of {{"{string}"}}.') else: key = int(extrapolate) # ensure integer (if float, etc) key = min(key, self.order) # extrapolation at most equal to spline if key == 0: message = 'no' else: rev_dkey = {v: k for k, v in dkey.items()} try: message = rev_dkey[key] except KeyError: message = 'order-{key} spline' warnings.warn("Requested coefficients are " "outside of the model time period from " f"{start} to {end} Modified Julian Date 2000. " f"Doing {message} extrapolation of the " "coefficient time series.") if key > 0: for x in [start, end]: # left and right bin = np.zeros((self.order, 1, dim)) for k in range(key): bin[-1-k] = PP(x, nu=k) PP.extend(bin, np.array([x])) else: # no extrapolation PP.extrapolate = False PP = PP.derivative(nu=deriv) coeffs = PP(time) * 365.25**deriv return coeffs
[docs] def to_ppdict(self): """ Return a dictionary of the piecewise polynomial that is compatible with MATLAB's pp-form. Returns ------- pp : dict Dictionary of the pp-form compatible with MATLAB. Elements are NumPy arrays. See Also -------- Base.save_matfile """ pp = dict( form='pp', order=np.array(self.order, float), pieces=np.array(self.pieces, float), dim=np.array(self.dim, float), breaks=self.breaks.copy().reshape((1, -1)), # ensure 2d coefs=np.reshape(self.coeffs.copy(), (self.order, -1)).transpose() ) return pp
[docs] def save_matfile(self, filepath, path=None): """ Save piecewise polynomial as MAT-file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Filepath and name of MAT-file. path : str Location in MAT-file. Defaults to ``'/pp'``. See Also -------- Base.to_ppdict """ if path is None: path = '/pp' pp = self.to_ppdict() hdf.write(pp, path=path, filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True)
[docs] class BaseModel(Base): """ Class for piecewise polynomial spherical harmonic models. Parameters ---------- name : str User specified name of the model. breaks : ndarray, shape (m+1,) Break points (`m` pieces plus one) for the piecewise polynomial representation of the field model in modified Julian date format. If a single break point is given, it is appended to itself to have two points defining the model interval (single piece). order : int, positive Order `k` of the polynomial pieces (e.g. 1 = constant, 4 = cubic). coeffs : ndarray, shape (`k`, `m`, ``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2)) Coefficients of the piecewise polynomial representation of the field model. source : {'internal', 'external'} Internal or external source (defaults to ``'internal'``) meta : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional information about the model if available. Attributes ---------- breaks : ndarray, shape (m+1,) Break points (`m` pieces plus one) for the piecewise polynomial representation of the field model in modified Julian date format. pieces : int, positive Number `m` of intervals given by break points in ``breaks``. order : int, positive Order `k` of the polynomial pieces (e.g. 1 = constant, 4 = cubic). nmax : int, positive Maximum spherical harmonic degree of the field model. dim : int, ``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2) Dimension of the model. coeffs : ndarray, shape (`k`, `m`, ``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2)) Coefficients of the time-dependent field. source : {'internal', 'external'} Internal or external source (defaults to ``'internal'``) meta : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional information about the model if available. """ def __init__(self, name, breaks=None, order=None, coeffs=None, source=None, meta=None): """ Initialize spherical harmonic model as a piecewise polynomial. """ super().__init__(name, breaks=breaks, order=order, coeffs=coeffs, meta=meta) if self.dim is None: self.nmax = None else: self.nmax = int(np.sqrt(self.dim + 1) - 1) self.source = 'internal' if source is None else source
[docs] def synth_coeffs(self, time, *, nmax=None, deriv=None, extrapolate=None): """ Compute the coefficients from the piecewise polynomial representation. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in modified Julian dates. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (defaults to 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. extrapolate : {'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'spline', 'constant', \ 'off'} or int, optional Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Specify polynomial degree as string or any order as integer. Defaults to ``'linear'`` (equiv. to order 2 polynomials). +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Value | Description | +============+===================================================+ | 'constant' | Use degree zero polynomial only (extrapolate=1). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'linear' | Use degree-1 polynomials (extrapolate=2). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'quadratic'| Use degree-2 polynomials (extrapolate=3). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'cubic' | Use degree-3 polynomials (extrapolate=4). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'spline' | Use all degree polynomials. | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'off' | Return NaN outside model bounds (extrapolate=0). | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ Returns ------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (..., ``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2)) Array containing the coefficients. """ dim = None if nmax is None else int(nmax*(nmax+2)) coeffs = super().synth_coeffs(time, dim=dim, deriv=deriv, extrapolate=extrapolate) return coeffs
[docs] def synth_values(self, time, radius, theta, phi, *, nmax=None, deriv=None, grid=None, extrapolate=None): """ Compute magnetic components from the field model. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in modified Julian date. radius : ndarray, shape (...) or float Radius in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) or float Colatitude in degrees. phi : ndarray, shape (...) or float Longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (defaults to 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. grid : bool, optional If ``True``, field components are computed on a regular grid. Arrays ``theta`` and ``phi`` must have one dimension less than the output grid since the grid will be created as their outer product. extrapolate : {'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'spline', 'constant', \ 'off'} or int, optional Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Specify polynomial degree as string or any order as integer. Defaults to ``'linear'`` (equiv. to order 2 polynomials). Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. """ if nmax is None: nmax = self.nmax elif nmax > self.nmax: warnings.warn( f'Supplied nmax = {nmax} is incompatible with number of ' f'coefficients. Using nmax = {self.nmax} instead.' ) nmax = self.nmax coeffs = self.synth_coeffs(time, nmax=nmax, deriv=deriv, extrapolate=extrapolate) return mu.synth_values(coeffs, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, source=self.source, grid=grid)
[docs] def power_spectrum(self, time, radius=None, **kwargs): """ Compute the spatial power spectrum. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) Time in modified Julian date. radius : float, optional Radius in kilometers (defaults to Earth's surface defined in ``basicConfig['r_surf']``). Returns ------- R_n : ndarray, shape (..., ``nmax``) Spatial power spectrum of the spherical harmonic expansion up to degree ``nmax``. Other Parameters ---------------- nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. **kwargs : keywords Other options to pass to :meth:`BaseModel.synth_coeffs` method. See Also -------- chaosmagpy.model_utils.power_spectrum """ if radius is None: radius = config_utils.basicConfig['params.r_surf'] coeffs = self.synth_coeffs(time, **kwargs) spec = mu.power_spectrum(coeffs, radius, source=self.source) return spec
[docs] def plot_power_spectrum(self, time, **kwargs): """ Plot the spatial power spectrum. Parameters ---------- time : float Time in modified Julian date. Other Parameters ---------------- radius : float, optional Radius in kilometers (defaults to Earth's surface defined in basicConfig['r_surf']). nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. Notes ----- For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using ``fig = plt.gcf()`` and ``axes = fig.axes`` right after the call to this plotting method. See Also -------- chaosmagpy.model_utils.power_spectrum """ defaults = dict(radius=None, deriv=0, nmax=self.nmax, titles='spatial power spectrum') kwargs = pu.defaultkeys(defaults, kwargs) radius = kwargs.pop('radius') nmax = kwargs.pop('nmax') deriv = kwargs.pop('deriv') units = f'({du.gauss_units(deriv)})$^2$' kwargs.setdefault('ylabel', units) R_n = self.power_spectrum(time, radius, nmax=nmax, deriv=deriv) pu.plot_power_spectrum(R_n, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_maps(self, time, radius, **kwargs): """ Plot global maps of the field components. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Time in modified Julian date. radius : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Array containing the radius in kilometers. Other Parameters ---------------- nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. **kwargs : keywords Other options are passed to :func:`plot_utils.plot_maps` function. Notes ----- For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using ``fig = plt.gcf()`` and ``axes = fig.axes`` right after the call to this plotting method. See Also -------- chaosmagpy.plot_utils.plot_maps """ defaults = dict(deriv=0, nmax=self.nmax) kwargs = pu.defaultkeys(defaults, kwargs) # remove keywords that are not intended for pcolormesh nmax = kwargs.pop('nmax') deriv = kwargs.pop('deriv') titles = [f'$B_r$ ($n\\leq{nmax}$, deriv={deriv})', f'$B_\\theta$ ($n\\leq{nmax}$, deriv={deriv})', f'$B_\\phi$ ($n\\leq{nmax}$, deriv={deriv})'] # add plot_maps options to dictionary kwargs.setdefault('label', du.gauss_units(deriv)) kwargs.setdefault('titles', titles) # handle optional argument: nmax > coefficient nmax if nmax > self.nmax: warnings.warn( 'Supplied nmax = {0} is incompatible with number of model ' 'coefficients. Using nmax = {1} instead.'.format( nmax, self.nmax)) nmax = self.nmax time = np.array(time, dtype=float) theta = np.linspace(1, 179, num=320) phi = np.linspace(-180, 180, num=640) B_radius, B_theta, B_phi = self.synth_values( time, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, deriv=deriv, grid=True, extrapolate=None) pu.plot_maps(theta, phi, B_radius, B_theta, B_phi, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_timeseries(self, radius, theta, phi, **kwargs): """ Plot the time series of the time-dependent field components at a specific location. Parameters ---------- radius : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Radius of station in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Longitude in degrees. Other Parameters ---------------- nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. extrapolate : {'linear', 'spline', 'constant', 'off'}, optional Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Defaults to ``'linear'``. **kwargs : keywords Other options to pass to :func:`plot_utils.plot_timeseries` function. Notes ----- For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using ``fig = plt.gcf()`` and ``axes = fig.axes`` right after the call to this plotting method. See Also -------- chaosmagpy.plot_utils.plot_timeseries """ defaults = dict(deriv=0, nmax=self.nmax, titles=['$B_r$', '$B_\\theta$', '$B_\\phi$'], extrapolate=None) kwargs = pu.defaultkeys(defaults, kwargs) # remove keywords that are not intended for pcolormesh nmax = kwargs.pop('nmax') deriv = kwargs.pop('deriv') extrapolate = kwargs.pop('extrapolate') # add options to dictionary kwargs.setdefault('ylabel', du.gauss_units(deriv)) time = np.linspace(self.breaks[0], self.breaks[-1], num=500) B_radius, B_theta, B_phi = self.synth_values( time, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, deriv=deriv, extrapolate=extrapolate) pu.plot_timeseries(time, B_radius, B_theta, B_phi, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_bspline(cls, name, knots, coeffs, order, source=None, meta=None): """ Return BaseModel instance from a B-spline representation. Parameters ---------- name : str User specified name of the model. knots : ndarray, shape (N,) B-spline knots. Knots must have endpoint multiplicity equal to ``order``. Zero-pad ``coeffs`` if needed. coeffs : ndarray, shape (M, D) Bspline coefficients for the `M` B-splines parameterizing `D` dimensions. order : int Order of the B-spline. source : {'internal', 'external'} Internal or external source (defaults to ``'internal'``) meta : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional information about the model. Returns ------- model : :class:`BaseModel` Class :class:`BaseModel` instance. """ coeffs_pp, breaks = mu.pp_from_bspline(coeffs, knots, order) return cls(name, breaks=breaks, order=order, coeffs=coeffs_pp, source=source, meta=meta)
[docs] def to_shc(self, filepath, *, leap_year=None, nmin=None, nmax=None, header=None): """ Save spherical harmonic coefficients to a file in `shc`-format. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path and name of output file `*.shc`. leap_year : {False, True}, optional Take leap year in time conversion into account. By default set to ``False``, so that a conversion factor of 365.25 days per year is used. nmin : int, optional Minimum spherical harmonic degree (defaults to 1). This will remove first values from coeffs if greater than 1. nmax : int, optional Maximum spherical harmonic degree (defaults to the maximum degree of the model given by ``self.nmax``). header : str, optional Optional header at beginning of file (defaults to a comment line with the name of the model given by ````). """ leap_year = False if leap_year is None else leap_year header = f"# {}\n" if header is None else header nmin = 1 if nmin is None else int(nmin) nmax = self.nmax if nmax is None else int(nmax) if self.coeffs is None: raise ValueError("Spline coefficients are missing.") step = max(self.order - 1, 1) # compute times in mjd2000 if (self.order == 1): # piecewise constant, drop coefficients at last break point times = self.breaks[:-1] else: # insert extra samples in between break points times = np.array([], dtype=float) for start, end in zip(self.breaks[:-1], self.breaks[1:]): delta = (end - start) / step times = np.append(times, np.arange(start, end, delta)) times = np.append(times, self.breaks[-1]) gauss_coeffs = self.synth_coeffs(times, nmax=self.nmax) du.save_shcfile(times, gauss_coeffs, order=self.order, filepath=filepath, nmin=nmin, nmax=nmax, leap_year=leap_year, header=header)
[docs] @classmethod def from_shc(cls, filepath, *, name=None, leap_year=None, source=None, meta=None): """ Return BaseModel instance by loading a model from an SHC-file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to SHC-file. name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension. leap_year : {False, True}, optional Take leap year in time conversion into account. By default set to ``False``, so that a conversion factor of 365.25 days per year is used. source : {'internal', 'external'} Internal or external source (defaults to ``'internal'``) meta : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional information about the model. Returns ------- model : :class:`BaseModel` Class :class:`BaseModel` instance. """ if name is None: # get name without extension name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] source = 'internal' if source is None else source leap_year = False if leap_year is None else leap_year time, coeffs, params = du.load_shcfile(filepath, leap_year=leap_year) coeffs = coeffs.T # (Nt, Nc): simplifies array manipulations nmin = params['nmin'] nmax = params['nmax'] order = params['order'] step = max(params['step'], 1) if order == 1: # piecewise constant # duplicate endpoint to have a proper interval for the polynomial breaks = np.append(time, time[-1]) # zero length interval is ok else: breaks = time[::step] # need to pad coefficients if nmin > 1 (no n < nmin coeffs in shc file) if nmin > 1: coeffs_pad = np.zeros((coeffs.shape[0], nmax*(nmax + 2))) coeffs_pad[:, int(nmin**2 - 1):] = coeffs else: coeffs_pad = coeffs if (order == 1): # piecewise constant coeffs_pp = coeffs_pad[None, ...] # insert singleton at 0th axis return cls(name, breaks=breaks, order=order, coeffs=coeffs_pp, source=source, meta=meta) else: # model must be time-dependent (incl. piecewise constant) # there may be extra sites to extend the model interval, # but these extrapolation sites are just discarded here end = ((time.size - 1) // step) * step + 1 knots = mu.augment_breaks(breaks, order) spl = sip.make_lsq_spline(time[:end], coeffs_pad[:end, :], knots, order - 1) coeffs_pp = spl.c.copy() # convert B-spline basis to PPoly return cls.from_bspline(name, knots=knots, coeffs=coeffs_pp, order=order, source=source, meta=meta)
[docs] class CHAOS(object): """ Class for the time-dependent geomagnetic field model CHAOS. Parameters ---------- breaks : ndarray, shape (m+1,) Break points for piecewise polynomial representation of the time-dependent internal (i.e. large-scale core) field in modified Julian date format. order : int, positive Order `k` of polynomial pieces (e.g. 4 = cubic) of the time-dependent internal field. coeffs_tdep : ndarray, shape (`k`, `m`, ``n_tdep`` * (``n_tdep`` + 2)) Coefficients of the time-dependent internal field as piecewise polynomial. coeffs_static : ndarray, shape (``n_static`` * (``n_static`` + 2),) Coefficients of the static internal (i.e. small-scale crustal) field. coeffs_sm : ndarray, shape (``n_sm`` * (``n_sm`` + 2),) Coefficients of the static external field in SM coordinates. coeffs_gsm : ndarray, shape (``n_gsm`` * (``n_gsm`` + 2),) Coefficients of the static external field in GSM coordinates. breaks_delta : dict with ndarrays, shape (:math:`m_q` + 1,) Breaks of baseline corrections of static external field in SM coordinates. The dictionary keys are ``'q10'``, ``'q11'``, ``'s11'``. coeffs_delta : dict with ndarrays, shape (1, :math:`m_q`) Coefficients of baseline corrections of static external field in SM coordinates. The dictionary keys are ``'q10'``, ``'q11'``, ``'s11'``. breaks_euler : dict with ndarrays, shape (:math:`m_e` + 1,) Dictionary containing satellite name as key and corresponding break vectors of Euler angles (keys are ``'oersted'``, ``'champ'``, ``'sac_c'``, ``'swarm_a'``, ``'swarm_b'``, ``'swarm_c'``, ``'cryosat-2_1'``). coeffs_euler : dict with ndarrays, shape (1, :math:`m_e`, 3) Dictionary containing satellite name as key and arrays of the Euler angles alpha, beta and gamma as trailing dimension (keys are ``'oersted'``, ``'champ'``, ``'sac_c'``, ``'swarm_a'``, ``'swarm_b'``, ``'swarm_c'``, ``'cryosat-2_1'``). breaks_cal : dict with ndarrays, shape (:math:`m_c` + 1,) Dictionary containing satellite name as key and corresponding break vectors for the calibration parameters (keys are ``'cryosat-2_1'``). coeffs_cal : dict with ndarrays, shape (1, :math:`m_c`, 3) Dictionary containing satellite name as key and arrays of the 9 basic calibration parameters (3 offsets, 3 sensitivities, 3 non-orthogonality angles) (keys are ``'cryosat-2_1'``). name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to ``'CHAOS'``. meta : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional information about the model. Attributes ---------- timestamp : str UTC timestamp at initialization. model_tdep : :class:`BaseModel` instance Time-dependent internal field model. model_static : :class:`BaseModel` instance Static internal field model. model_euler : dict of :class:`Base` instances Dictionary containing the satellite's name as key and the Euler angles as :class:`Base` class instance. model_cal : dict of :class:`Base` instances Dictionary containing the satellite's name as key and the calibration parameters as :class:`Base` class instance. n_sm : int, positive Maximum spherical harmonic degree of external field in SM coordinates. coeffs_sm : ndarray, shape (``n_sm`` * (``n_sm`` + 2),) Coefficients of static external field in SM coordinates. n_gsm : int, positive Maximum spherical harmonic degree of external field in GSM coordinates. coeffs_gsm : ndarray, shape (``n_gsm`` * (``n_gsm`` + 2),) Coefficients of static external field in GSM coordinates. breaks_delta : dict with ndarrays, shape (:math:`m_q` +1,) Breaks of baseline corrections of static external field in SM coordinates. The dictionary keys are ``'q10'``, ``'q11'``, ``'s11'``. coeffs_delta : dict with ndarrays, shape (1, :math:`m_q`) Coefficients of baseline corrections of static external field in SM coordinates. The dictionary keys are ``'q10'``, ``'q11'``, ``'s11'``. name : str, optional User defined name of the model. meta : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional information about the model. Examples -------- Load for example the MAT-file ``CHAOS-6-x7.mat`` in the current working directory like this: >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> print(model) For more examples, see the documentation of the methods below. """ def __init__( self, breaks, order=None, *, coeffs_tdep=None, coeffs_static=None, coeffs_sm=None, coeffs_gsm=None, breaks_delta=None, coeffs_delta=None, breaks_euler=None, coeffs_euler=None, breaks_cal=None, coeffs_cal=None, name=None, meta=None ): """ Initialize the CHAOS model. """ self.timestamp = str( # give the model a name: CHAOS or user input if name is None: name = "CHAOS" = str(name) # internal field if coeffs_tdep is None: self.model_tdep = None else: self.model_tdep = BaseModel( name=name + '_tdep', breaks=breaks, order=order, coeffs=coeffs_tdep, source='internal' ) if coeffs_static is None: self.model_static = None else: self.model_static = BaseModel( name=name + '_static', breaks=breaks[[0, -1]], order=1, coeffs=coeffs_static, source='internal' ) # helper for returning the degree of the provided coefficients def dimension(coeffs): if coeffs is None: return coeffs else: return int(np.sqrt(coeffs.shape[-1] + 1) - 1) # external source in SM reference self.coeffs_sm = coeffs_sm self.n_sm = dimension(coeffs_sm) # external source in GSM reference self.coeffs_gsm = coeffs_gsm self.n_gsm = dimension(coeffs_gsm) # external source in SM reference: RC offset self.breaks_delta = breaks_delta self.coeffs_delta = coeffs_delta # Euler angles if breaks_euler is None: self.model_euler = None else: satellites = tuple([*breaks_euler.keys()]) self.model_euler = dict() for k, satellite in enumerate(satellites): try: Euler_prerotation = meta['params']['Euler_prerotation'][k] except KeyError: Euler_prerotation = None model = Base( satellite, order=1, breaks=breaks_euler[satellite], coeffs=coeffs_euler[satellite], meta={ 'Euler_prerotation': Euler_prerotation } ) self.model_euler[satellite] = model # calibration parameters if breaks_cal is None: self.model_cal = None else: satellites = tuple([*breaks_cal.keys()]) self.model_cal = dict() for k, satellite in enumerate(satellites): model = Base( satellite, order=1, breaks=breaks_cal[satellite], coeffs=coeffs_cal[satellite], ) self.model_cal[satellite] = model self.meta = meta
[docs] def __call__(self, time, radius, theta, phi, rc_e=None, rc_i=None, source_list=None, nmax_static=None, verbose=None): """ Calculate the magnetic field of all sources from the CHAOS model. All sources means the time-dependent and static internal fields, and the external magnetospheric (SM/GSM) fields including their induced parts. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in modified Julian dates. radius : ndarray, shape (...) or float Radius of station in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) or float Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (...) or float Longitude in degrees. rc_e : ndarray, shape (...), optional External part of the RC-index (defaults to linearly interpolating the hourly values given by the built-in RC-index file). rc_i : ndarray, shape (...), optional Internal part of the RC-index (defaults to linearly interpolating the hourly values given by the built-in RC-index file). source_list : list, ['tdep', 'static', 'gsm', 'sm'] or \ str, {'internal', 'external'} Specify sources in any order. Default is all sources. Instead of a list, pass ``source_list='internal'`` which is equivalent to ``source_list=['tdep', 'static']`` (internal sources) or ``source_list='external'`` which is the same as ``source_list=['gsm', 'sm']`` (external sources including induced part). nmax_static : int, optional Maximum spherical harmonic degree of the static internal magnetic field (defaults to 85). verbose : {False, True}, optional Print messages (defaults to ``False``). Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> Br, Bt, Bp = model(0., 6371.2, 45., 0., source_list=['tdep', \ 'static']) # only internal sources >>> Br array(-40418.23217586) """ time = np.asarray(time, dtype=float) radius = np.asarray(radius, dtype=float) theta = np.asarray(theta, dtype=float) phi = np.asarray(phi, dtype=float) if source_list is None: source_list = ['tdep', 'static', 'gsm', 'sm'] elif source_list == 'internal': source_list = ['tdep', 'static'] elif source_list == 'external': source_list = ['gsm', 'sm'] source_list = np.ravel(np.array(source_list)) verbose = bool(verbose) # get shape of broadcasted result try: b = np.broadcast(time, radius, theta, phi) except ValueError: print('Cannot broadcast grid shapes:') print(f'time: {time.shape}') print(f'radius: {radius.shape}') print(f'theta: {theta.shape}') print(f'phi: {phi.shape}') raise grid_shape = b.shape B_radius = np.zeros(grid_shape) B_theta = np.zeros(grid_shape) B_phi = np.zeros(grid_shape) if 'tdep' in source_list: if verbose: print(f'Computing time-dependent internal field' f' up to degree {self.model_tdep.nmax}.') s = timer() B_radius_new, B_theta_new, B_phi_new = self.synth_values_tdep( time, radius, theta, phi) B_radius += B_radius_new B_theta += B_theta_new B_phi += B_phi_new e = timer() if verbose: print('Finished in {:.6} seconds.'.format(e-s)) if 'static' in source_list: nmax_static = 85 if nmax_static is None else nmax_static if verbose: print(f'Computing static internal (i.e. small-scale crustal) ' f'field up to degree {nmax_static}.') s = timer() B_radius_new, B_theta_new, B_phi_new = self.synth_values_static( radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax_static) B_radius += B_radius_new B_theta += B_theta_new B_phi += B_phi_new e = timer() if verbose: print('Finished in {:.6} seconds.'.format(e-s)) if 'gsm' in source_list: if verbose: print(f'Computing GSM field up to degree {self.n_gsm}.') s = timer() B_radius_new, B_theta_new, B_phi_new = self.synth_values_gsm( time, radius, theta, phi, source='all') B_radius += B_radius_new B_theta += B_theta_new B_phi += B_phi_new e = timer() if verbose: print('Finished in {:.6} seconds.'.format(e-s)) if 'sm' in source_list: if verbose: print(f'Computing SM field up to degree {self.n_sm}.') s = timer() B_radius_new, B_theta_new, B_phi_new = self.synth_values_sm( time, radius, theta, phi, rc_e=rc_e, rc_i=rc_i, source='all') B_radius += B_radius_new B_theta += B_theta_new B_phi += B_phi_new e = timer() if verbose: print('Finished in {:.6} seconds.'.format(e-s)) return B_radius, B_theta, B_phi
def __str__(self): """ Print model version and initialization timestamp. """ string = (f"{}: Initialized on {self.timestamp} UTC.") return string
[docs] def synth_coeffs_tdep(self, time, *, nmax=None, **kwargs): """ Compute the spherical harmonic coefficients of the time-dependent internal magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in modified Julian dates. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). **kwargs : keywords Other options to pass to :meth:`BaseModel.synth_coeffs` method. Returns ------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (..., ``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2)) Coefficients of the time-dependent internal field. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> time = np.array([0., 10.]) >>> model.synth_coeffs_tdep(time, nmax=1) # dipole coefficients array([[-29614.72797782, -1728.47079907, 5185.50518939], [-29614.33800306, -1728.13680075, 5184.89196286]]) >>> model.synth_coeffs_tdep(time, nmax=1, deriv=1) # SV coefficients array([[ 14.25577646, 12.20214856, -22.43412895], [ 14.2317297 , 12.19625726, -22.36146885]]) """ if self.model_tdep is None: raise ValueError("Time-dependent internal field coefficients " "are missing.") return self.model_tdep.synth_coeffs(time, nmax=nmax, **kwargs)
[docs] def synth_values_tdep(self, time, radius, theta, phi, *, nmax=None, deriv=None, grid=None, extrapolate=None): """ Compute the vector components of the time-dependent internal magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in modified Julian dates. radius : ndarray, shape (...) or float Radius of station in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) or float Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (...) or float Longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (None defaults to 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. grid : bool, optional If ``True``, field components are computed on a regular grid. Arrays ``theta`` and ``phi`` must have one dimension less than the output grid since the grid will be created as their outer product. extrapolate : {'linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'spline', 'constant', \ 'off'} or int, optional Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Specify polynomial degree as string or any order as integer. Defaults to ``'linear'`` (equiv. to order 2 polynomials). Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> time = np.array([0., 10.]) Compute magnetic field components at specific location. >>> Br, Bt, Bp = model.synth_values_tdep(time, 6371.2, 45., 0.) >>> Br array([-40422.44815265, -40423.15091334]) Only dipole contribution: >>> Br, Bt, Bp = model.synth_values_tdep(time, 6371.2, 45., 0., nmax=1) >>> Br array([-44325.97679843, -44324.95294588]) Secular variation: >>> Br, Bt, Bp = model.synth_values_tdep(time, 6371.2, 45., 0.,\ deriv=1) >>> Br array([-25.64604374, -25.69002078]) """ if self.model_tdep is None: raise ValueError("Time-dependent internal field coefficients " "are missing.") return self.model_tdep.synth_values( time, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, deriv=deriv, grid=grid, extrapolate=extrapolate)
[docs] def plot_timeseries_tdep(self, radius, theta, phi, **kwargs): """ Plot the time series of the time-dependent internal field from the CHAOS model at a given location. Parameters ---------- radius : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Radius of station in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. **kwargs : keywords Other options to pass to :meth:`BaseModel.plot_timeseries` method. Notes ----- For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using ``fig = plt.gcf()`` and ``axes = fig.axes`` right after the call to this plotting method. """ if self.model_tdep is None: raise ValueError("Time-dependent internal field coefficients " "are missing.") self.model_tdep.plot_timeseries(radius, theta, phi, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_maps_tdep(self, time, radius, *, nmax=None, deriv=None, **kwargs): """ Plot global map of the time-dependent internal field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Time given as MJD2000 (modified Julian date). radius : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Array containing the radius in kilometers. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose ``deriv=1``. **kwargs : keywords Other options are passed to :meth:`BaseModel.plot_maps` method. Notes ----- For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using ``fig = plt.gcf()`` and ``axes = fig.axes`` right after the call to this plotting method. """ if self.model_tdep is None: raise ValueError("Time-dependent internal field coefficients " "are missing.") self.model_tdep.plot_maps(time, radius, nmax=nmax, deriv=deriv, **kwargs)
[docs] def synth_coeffs_static(self, *, nmax=None, **kwargs): """ Compute the spherical harmonic coefficients of the static internal magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). **kwargs : keywords Other options are passed to :meth:`BaseModel.synth_coeffs` method. Returns ------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2),) Coefficients of the static internal field. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> model.synth_coeffs_static(nmax=50) array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , ..., 0.01655, -0.06339, 0.00715]) """ if self.model_static is None: raise ValueError("Static internal field coefficients are missing.") time = self.model_static.breaks[0] return self.model_static.synth_coeffs(time, nmax=nmax, **kwargs)
[docs] def synth_values_static(self, radius, theta, phi, *, nmax=None, **kwargs): """ Compute the vector components of the static internal magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- radius : ndarray, shape (...) or float Radius of station in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) or float Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (...) or float Longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). **kwargs : keywords Other options are passed to :meth:`BaseModel.synth_values` method. Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> Br, Bt, Bp = model.synth_values_static(6371.2, 45., 0., nmax=50) >>> Br array(-7.5608993) """ if self.model_static is None: raise ValueError("Static internal field coefficients are missing.") time = self.model_static.breaks[0] return self.model_static.synth_values(time, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_maps_static(self, radius, *, nmax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot global map of the static internal field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- radius : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Array containing the radius in kilometers. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). **kwargs : keywords Other options are passed to :meth:`BaseModel.plot_maps` method. Notes ----- For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using ``fig = plt.gcf()`` and ``axes = fig.axes`` right after the call to this plotting method. """ if self.model_static is None: raise ValueError("Static internal field coefficients are missing.") defaults = dict(cmap='nio', deriv=0, vmax=200, vmin=-200) kwargs = pu.defaultkeys(defaults, kwargs) time = self.model_static.breaks[0] self.model_static.plot_maps(time, radius, nmax=nmax, **kwargs)
[docs] def synth_coeffs_gsm(self, time, *, nmax=None, source=None): """ Compute the spherical harmonic coefficients of the far-magnetospheric magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in days. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). source : {'external', 'internal'}, optional Choose source either external or internal (default is 'external'). Returns ------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (..., ``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2)) Spherical harmonic coefficients of the far-magnetospheric magnetic field with respect to geographic coordinates (GEO). Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> model.synth_coeffs_gsm(0.0) array([11.63982782, -4.9276483 , -2.36281582, 0.46063709, -0.37934517, -0.18234297, 0.06281656, 0.07757099]) """ if self.coeffs_gsm is None: raise ValueError("External GSM field coefficients are missing.") # handle optional argument: nmax if nmax is None: nmax = self.n_gsm elif nmax > self.n_gsm: warnings.warn( 'Supplied nmax = {0} is incompatible with number of model ' 'coefficients. Using nmax = {1} instead.'.format( nmax, self.n_gsm)) nmax = self.n_gsm if source is None: source = 'external' # ensure ndarray input time = np.asarray(time, dtype=float) # use static part to define modelled period start = self.model_static.breaks[0] end = self.model_static.breaks[-1] if np.amin(time) < start or np.amax(time) > end: warnings.warn( 'Requested coefficients are outside of the ' f'model period from {start} to {end}. Doing linear ' 'extrapolation of the coefficients in the GSM reference ' 'frame.') # build rotation matrix from file frequency_spectrum = np.load( config_utils.basicConfig['file.GSM_spectrum']) assert np.all(frequency_spectrum['dipole'] == config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole']), \ "GSM rotation coefficients not compatible with the chosen dipole." if source == 'external': # unpack file: oscillations per day, complex spectrum frequency = frequency_spectrum['frequency'] spectrum = frequency_spectrum['spectrum'] scaled = frequency_spectrum['scaled'] # build rotation matrix for external field coefficients GSM -> GEO rotate_gauss = cu.synth_rotate_gauss( time, frequency, spectrum, scaled=scaled) # rotate external GSM coefficients to GEO reference coeffs = np.matmul(rotate_gauss, self.coeffs_gsm) elif source == 'internal': # unpack file: oscillations per day, complex spectrum frequency_ind = frequency_spectrum['frequency_ind'] spectrum_ind = frequency_spectrum['spectrum_ind'] scaled = frequency_spectrum['scaled'] # build rotation matrix for external field coefficients GSM -> GEO rotate_gauss_ind = cu.synth_rotate_gauss( time, frequency_ind, spectrum_ind, scaled=scaled) # rotate internal GSM coefficients to GEO reference coeffs = np.matmul(rotate_gauss_ind, self.coeffs_gsm) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown source "{source}". ' 'Use {''external'', ''internal''}.') return coeffs[..., :nmax*(nmax+2)]
[docs] def synth_values_gsm(self, time, radius, theta, phi, *, nmax=None, source=None, grid=None): """ Compute the vector components of the far-magnetospheric magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (...) Time given as MJD2000 (modified Julian date). radius : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the radius in kilometers. theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ,180^\\circ]`. phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). source : {'all', 'external', 'internal'}, optional Choose source to be external (inducing), internal (induced) or both added (default to 'all'). grid : bool, optional If ``True``, field components are computed on a regular grid, which is created from ``theta`` and ``phi`` as their outer product (defaults to ``False``). Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> time = np.array([0., 10.]) >>> Br, Bt, Bp = model.synth_values_gsm(time, 6371.2, 45., 0.) >>> Br array([-8.18751916, -8.25661729]) """ source = 'all' if source is None else source grid = False if grid is None else grid if source == 'all': coeffs_ext = self.synth_coeffs_gsm(time, nmax=nmax, source='external') coeffs_int = self.synth_coeffs_gsm(time, nmax=nmax, source='internal') B_radius_ext, B_theta_ext, B_phi_ext = mu.synth_values( coeffs_ext, radius, theta, phi, source='external', grid=grid) B_radius_int, B_theta_int, B_phi_int = mu.synth_values( coeffs_int, radius, theta, phi, source='internal', grid=grid) B_radius = B_radius_ext + B_radius_int B_theta = B_theta_ext + B_theta_int B_phi = B_phi_ext + B_phi_int elif source in ['external', 'internal']: coeffs = self.synth_coeffs_gsm(time, nmax=nmax, source=source) B_radius, B_theta, B_phi = mu.synth_values( coeffs, radius, theta, phi, source=source, grid=grid) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown source "{source}". ' 'Use {''all'', ''external'', ''internal''}.') return B_radius, B_theta, B_phi
[docs] def synth_coeffs_sm(self, time, *, nmax=None, source=None, rc=None): """ Compute the spherical harmonic coefficients of the near-magnetospheric magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the time in days. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). source : {'external', 'internal'}, optional Choose source either external or internal (default is 'external'). rc : ndarray, shape (...), optional External (internal) part of the RC-index (defaults to linearly interpolating the hourly values given by the built-in RC-index file). Use the external part of the RC-index for ``source='external'`` (default) and the internal part for ``source='internal'``. See also the notes section below for more information on the RC-index file. Returns ------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (..., ``nmax`` * (``nmax`` + 2)) Spherical harmonic coefficients of the near-magnetospheric magnetic field with respect to geographic coordinates (GEO). Notes ----- The computation of the near-magnetospheric field coefficients requires the RC-index. If the values of the RC-index are not supplied directly via the ``rc`` input argument, a built-in RC-index file is loaded. This file goes with a specific version of the CHAOS model, which can be inspected by running ``print(chaosmagpy.basicConfig['params.CHAOS_version'])`` in a Python session. It is recommended to use this version of the CHAOS model together with the built-in RC-index. For the latest CHAOS model, if necessary, a suitable RC-index file can be downloaded at :rc_url:`\\ `. Overwrite the use of the built-in RC-index file by either providing interpolated values from the downloaded file via the ``rc`` input argument, or by replacing the path in ChaosMagPy's configuration dictionary ``chaosmagpy.basicParams['file.RC_index']`` with the path to the downloaded file (for more details, see Sect. :ref:`sec-configuration-change-rc-index-file`). See Also -------- CHAOS.synth_values_sm Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> model.synth_coeffs_sm(0.) array([53.20309271, 3.79138724, -8.59458138, -0.62818711, 1.45506171, -0.57977672, -0.31660638, -0.43888236]) """ if self.coeffs_sm is None: raise ValueError("External SM field coefficients are missing.") # handle optional argument: nmax if nmax is None: nmax = self.n_sm elif nmax > self.n_sm: warnings.warn( 'Supplied nmax = {0} is incompatible with number of model ' 'coefficients. Using nmax = {1} instead.'.format( nmax, self.n_sm)) nmax = self.n_sm if source is None: source = 'external' # find smallest overlapping time period for breaks_delta start = np.amax([self.breaks_delta['q10'][0], self.breaks_delta['q11'][0], self.breaks_delta['s11'][0]]) end = np.amin([self.breaks_delta['q10'][-1], self.breaks_delta['q11'][-1], self.breaks_delta['s11'][-1]]) # ensure ndarray input time = np.asarray(time, dtype=float) if np.amin(time) < start or np.amax(time) > end: warnings.warn( 'Requested coefficients are outside of the ' f'model period from {start} to {end}. Doing linear ' 'extrapolation of the coefficients in the SM reference frame.') # load the Fourier spectrum of the coordinate transformation from file frequency_spectrum = np.load( config_utils.basicConfig['file.SM_spectrum']) assert np.all(frequency_spectrum['dipole'] == config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole']), \ ("Coefficients for the SM coordinate transformation are not " + "compatible with the chosen dipole.") if rc is None: default = config_utils.basicConfig.defaults['file.RC_index'][0] file = config_utils.basicConfig['file.RC_index'] if file == default: warnings.warn( 'ChaosMagPy is loading the built-in ' 'RC-index file recommended for ' f'CHAOS-{config_utils.basicConfig["params.CHAOS_version"]}' '. If this is not the CHAOS model version that is being ' 'used here, consider changing the model and/or the ' 'built-in RC-index file ' '(see' 'master/configuration.html#change-rc-index-file ' 'on how to change the built-in file).' ) # load RC-index file: first hdf5 then dat-file format try: with h5py.File(file, 'r') as f_RC: # create linear interpolant of the RC-index RC = sip.interp1d(f_RC['time'], f_RC['RC_' + source[0]], kind='linear', bounds_error=False) except OSError: f_RC = du.load_RC_datfile(file) # create linear interpolant of the RC-index RC = sip.interp1d(f_RC['time'], f_RC['RC_' + source[0]], kind='linear', bounds_error=False) # check RC bounds here to print specific error message rc_below, rc_above = RC._check_bounds(time) if rc_below.any() or rc_above.any(): raise ValueError("Requested coefficients are outside of the " "period covered by the built-in RC-index " "file. Either supply values of the RC-index " "directly via the ``rc`` input argument or " "provide the path to an extended RC-index " "file by updating the path in " "chaosmagpy.basicParams['file.RC_index'] " "(see" "master/configuration.html#change-rc-" "index-file for details).") rc = RC(time) # interpolate RC-index else: rc = np.asarray(rc, dtype=float) # use supplied index values # use piecewise polynomials to evaluate baseline correction in bins delta_q10 = sip.PPoly.construct_fast( self.coeffs_delta['q10'].astype(float), self.breaks_delta['q10'].astype(float), extrapolate=True) delta_q11 = sip.PPoly.construct_fast( self.coeffs_delta['q11'].astype(float), self.breaks_delta['q11'].astype(float), extrapolate=True) delta_s11 = sip.PPoly.construct_fast( self.coeffs_delta['s11'].astype(float), self.breaks_delta['s11'].astype(float), extrapolate=True) # unpack file: oscillations per day, complex spectrum frequency = frequency_spectrum['frequency'] spectrum = frequency_spectrum['spectrum'] scaled = frequency_spectrum['scaled'] # build rotation matrix for external field coefficients SM -> GEO rotate_gauss = cu.synth_rotate_gauss( time, frequency, spectrum, scaled=scaled) if source == 'external': coeffs_sm = np.empty(time.shape + (self.n_sm*(self.n_sm + 2),)) coeffs_sm[..., 0] = rc*self.coeffs_sm[0] + delta_q10(time) coeffs_sm[..., 1] = rc*self.coeffs_sm[1] + delta_q11(time) coeffs_sm[..., 2] = rc*self.coeffs_sm[2] + delta_s11(time) coeffs_sm[..., 3:] = self.coeffs_sm[3:] # rotate external SM coefficients to GEO reference coeffs = np.einsum('...ij,...j', rotate_gauss, coeffs_sm) elif source == 'internal': # unpack file: oscillations per day, complex spectrum frequency = frequency_spectrum['frequency_ind'] spectrum = frequency_spectrum['spectrum_ind'] # build rotation matrix for induced coefficients SM -> GEO rotate_gauss_ind = cu.synth_rotate_gauss( time, frequency, spectrum, scaled=scaled) # take degree 1 matrix elements of unmodified rotation matrix # since induction effect will be accounted for by RC_i rotate_gauss = rotate_gauss[..., :3, :3] coeffs_sm = np.empty(time.shape + (3,)) coeffs_sm[..., 0] = rc*self.coeffs_sm[0] coeffs_sm[..., 1] = rc*self.coeffs_sm[1] coeffs_sm[..., 2] = rc*self.coeffs_sm[2] coeffs_sm_ind = np.empty(time.shape + (self.n_sm*(self.n_sm + 2),)) coeffs_sm_ind[..., 0] = delta_q10(time) coeffs_sm_ind[..., 1] = delta_q11(time) coeffs_sm_ind[..., 2] = delta_s11(time) coeffs_sm_ind[..., 3:] = self.coeffs_sm[3:] # rotate internal SM coefficients to GEO reference coeffs = np.einsum('...ij,...j', rotate_gauss_ind, coeffs_sm_ind) coeffs[..., :3] += np.einsum('...ij,...j', rotate_gauss, coeffs_sm) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown source "{source}". ' 'Use one of {"external", "internal"}.') return coeffs[..., :nmax*(nmax+2)]
[docs] def synth_values_sm(self, time, radius, theta, phi, *, rc_e=None, rc_i=None, nmax=None, source=None, grid=None): """ Compute the vector components of the near-magnetospheric magnetic field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (...) Time given as MJD2000 (modified Julian date). radius : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the radius in kilometers. theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ,180^\\circ]`. phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). source : {'all', 'external', 'internal'}, optional Choose source to be external (inducing), internal (induced) or both added (default to 'all'). grid : bool, optional If ``True``, field components are computed on a regular grid, which is created from ``theta`` and ``phi`` as their outer product (defaults to ``False``). rc_e : ndarray, shape (...), optional External part of the RC-index (defaults to linearly interpolating the hourly values given by the built-in RC-index file). rc_i : ndarray, shape (...), optional Internal part of the RC-index (defaults to linearly interpolating the hourly values given by the built-in RC-index file). Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. Notes ----- The computation of the near-magnetospheric field coefficients requires the RC-index. If the values of the RC-index are not supplied directly via the ``rc`` input argument, a built-in RC-index file is loaded. This file goes with a specific version of the CHAOS model, which can be inspected by running ``print(chaosmagpy.basicConfig['params.CHAOS_version'])`` in a Python session. It is recommended to use this version of the CHAOS model together with the built-in RC-index. For the latest CHAOS model, if necessary, a suitable RC-index file can be downloaded at :rc_url:`\\ `. Overwrite the use of the built-in RC-index file by either providing interpolated values from the downloaded file via the ``rc`` input argument, or by replacing the path in ChaosMagPy's configuration dictionary ``chaosmagpy.basicParams['file.RC_index']`` with the path to the downloaded file (for more details, see Sect. :ref:`sec-configuration-change-rc-index-file`). See Also -------- CHAOS.synth_values_sm Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> time = np.array([0., 10.]) >>> Br, Bt, Bp = model.synth_values_sm(time, 6371.2, 45., 0.) >>> Br array([-18.85890361, -13.99893523]) """ source = 'all' if source is None else source grid = False if grid is None else grid if source == 'all': coeffs_ext = self.synth_coeffs_sm( time, nmax=nmax, source='external', rc=rc_e) coeffs_int = self.synth_coeffs_sm( time, nmax=nmax, source='internal', rc=rc_i) B_radius_ext, B_theta_ext, B_phi_ext = mu.synth_values( coeffs_ext, radius, theta, phi, source='external', grid=grid) B_radius_int, B_theta_int, B_phi_int = mu.synth_values( coeffs_int, radius, theta, phi, source='internal', grid=grid) B_radius = B_radius_ext + B_radius_int B_theta = B_theta_ext + B_theta_int B_phi = B_phi_ext + B_phi_int elif source in ['external', 'internal']: # set the RC-index rc = rc_e if source == 'external' else rc_i coeffs = self.synth_coeffs_sm( time, nmax=nmax, source=source, rc=rc) B_radius, B_theta, B_phi = mu.synth_values( coeffs, radius, theta, phi, source=source, grid=grid) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown source "{source}". ' 'Use {''all'', ''external'', ''internal''}.') return B_radius, B_theta, B_phi
[docs] def plot_maps_external(self, time, radius, *, nmax=None, reference=None, source=None): """ Plot global map of the external field from the CHAOS model. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Time given as MJD2000 (modified Julian date). radius : ndarray, shape (), (1,) or float Radius in kilometers. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified). reference : {'all', 'GSM', 'SM'}, optional Choose contribution either from GSM, SM or the sum of both (default). source : {'all', 'external', 'internal'}, optional Choose source to be external (inducing), internal (induced) or the sum of both (default). Notes ----- For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using ``fig = plt.gcf()`` and ``axes = fig.axes`` right after the call to this plotting method. """ reference = 'all' if reference is None else reference.lower() source = 'all' if source is None else source.lower() time = np.array(time, dtype=float) radius = np.array(radius, dtype=float) theta = np.linspace(1, 179, num=320) phi = np.linspace(-180, 180, num=721) # compute GSM contribution: external, internal if reference == 'all' or reference == 'gsm': # compute magnetic field components B_radius_gsm, B_theta_gsm, B_phi_gsm = self.synth_values_gsm( time, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, source=source, grid=True) # compute SM contribution: external, internal if reference == 'all' or reference == 'sm': B_radius_sm, B_theta_sm, B_phi_sm = self.synth_values_sm( time, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, source=source, grid=True) if reference == 'all': B_radius = B_radius_gsm + B_radius_sm B_theta = B_theta_gsm + B_theta_sm B_phi = B_phi_gsm + B_phi_sm elif reference == 'gsm': B_radius = B_radius_gsm B_theta = B_theta_gsm B_phi = B_phi_gsm elif reference == 'sm': B_radius = B_radius_sm B_theta = B_theta_sm B_phi = B_phi_sm else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown reference "{reference}". ' 'Use {''all'', ''external'', ''internal''}.') units = du.gauss_units(0) if reference == 'all': titles = [f'$B_r$ ({source} sources)', f'$B_\\theta$ ({source} sources)', f'$B_\\phi$ ({source} sources)'] else: titles = [f'$B_r$ ({reference.upper()} {source} sources)', f'$B_\\theta$ ({reference.upper()} {source} sources)', f'$B_\\phi$ ({reference.upper()} {source} sources)'] pu.plot_maps(theta, phi, B_radius, B_theta, B_phi, titles=titles, label=units)
[docs] def synth_euler_angles(self, time, satellite, *, dim=None, deriv=None, extrapolate=None): """ Extract Euler angles for specified satellite. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (...) Time given as MJD2000 (modified Julian date). satellite : str Satellite from which to get the euler angles. dim : int, positive, optional Maximum dimension (default is 3, for the three angles alpha, beta, gamma). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative in time (default is 0). extrapolate : {'linear', 'spline', 'constant', 'off'}, optional Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Defaults to ``'linear'``. Returns ------- angles : ndarray, shape (..., 3) Euler angles alpha, beta and gamma in degrees, stored in trailing dimension. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> import numpy as np >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> time = np.array([500., 600.]) >>> model.meta['satellites'] # check satellite names ('oersted', 'champ', 'sac_c', 'swarm_a', 'swarm_b', 'swarm_c') >>> model.synth_euler_angles(time, 'champ') array([[-0.05521985, -1.5763316 , 0.48787601], [-0.05440427, -1.57966925, 0.49043057]]) """ if satellite not in self.model_euler: string = '", "'.join([*self.model_euler.keys()]) raise ValueError( f'Unknown satellite "{satellite}". Use ' f'one of {{"{string}"}}.') coeffs = self.model_euler[satellite].synth_coeffs( time, dim=dim, deriv=deriv, extrapolate=extrapolate) # add Euler prerotation angles if available in meta pre = self.model_euler[satellite].meta['Euler_prerotation'] if pre is not None: warnings.warn(f'Euler pre-rotation has not been applied. ' f'The pre-rotation angles are {pre}.') return coeffs
[docs] def save_shcfile(self, filepath, *, model=None, leap_year=None): """ Save spherical harmonic coefficients to a file in `shc`-format. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path and name of output file `*.shc`. model : {'tdep', 'static'}, optional Choose part of the model to save (default is 'tdep'). leap_year : {False, True}, optional Take leap year in time conversion into account. By default set to ``False``, so that a conversion factor of 365.25 days per year is used. """ model = 'tdep' if model is None else model leap_year = False if leap_year is None else leap_year if model == 'tdep': if self.model_tdep is None: raise ValueError("Time-dependent internal field coefficients " "are missing.") nmin = 1 nmax = self.model_tdep.nmax order = self.model_tdep.order pieces = self.model_tdep.breaks.size - 1 step = max(order - 1, 1) np = pieces if order == 1 else (pieces * step + 1) # create header lines header = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ # {} # Spherical harmonic coefficients of the time-dependent # internal field from degree {nmin} to {nmax}. Coefficients # (units of nT) are given at {np} points in time and were # extracted from a {order}-order piecewise polynomial. The # break points are every {step} step(s) of the time sequence. """) self.model_tdep.to_shc( filepath, leap_year=leap_year, nmin=nmin, header=header ) # output static field model coefficients if model == 'static': if self.model_static is None: raise ValueError("Static internal field coefficients " "are missing.") nmin = self.model_tdep.nmax + 1 nmax = self.model_static.nmax order = 1 # create additonal header lines header = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ # {} # Spherical harmonic coefficients (units of nT) of the static # internal field model from degree {nmin} to {nmax}. Given at # the first break point. """) self.model_static.to_shc( filepath, leap_year=leap_year, nmin=nmin, header=header )
[docs] def save_matfile(self, filepath): """ Save CHAOS model to a MAT-file. The model must be fully specified as is the case if originally loaded from a MAT-file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path and name of MAT-file that is to be saved. """ # write time-dependent internal field model to matfile if self.model_tdep: self.model_tdep.save_matfile(filepath) if self.coeffs_delta: # write time-dependent external field model to matfile q10 = self.coeffs_delta['q10'].reshape((-1, 1)) q11 = np.ravel(self.coeffs_delta['q11']) s11 = np.ravel(self.coeffs_delta['s11']) qs11 = np.stack((q11, s11), axis=-1) t_break_q10 = self.breaks_delta['q10'].reshape( (-1, 1)).astype(float) t_break_q11 = self.breaks_delta['q11'].reshape( (-1, 1)).astype(float) m_sm = np.array([np.mean(q10), np.mean(q11), np.mean(s11)]) m_sm = np.append(m_sm, self.coeffs_sm[3:]).reshape((-1, 1)) m_Dst = self.coeffs_sm[:3].reshape((3, 1)) # process gsm coefficients m_gsm = self.coeffs_gsm[[0, 3]].reshape((2, 1)) model_ext = dict( t_break_q10=t_break_q10, q10=q10, t_break_qs11=t_break_q11, qs11=qs11, m_sm=m_sm, m_gsm=m_gsm, m_Dst=m_Dst ) hdf.write(model_ext, path='/model_ext', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) if self.model_euler: # write Euler angles to matfile for each satellite satellites = self.meta['satellites'] t_break_Euler = [] # list of Euler angle breaks for satellites alpha = [] # list of alpha for each satellite beta = [] # list of beta for each satellite gamma = [] # list of gamma for each satellite for satellite in satellites: # reduce breaks if start and end are equal breaks = self.model_euler[satellite].breaks if breaks[0] == breaks[-1]: breaks = breaks[0] t_break_Euler.append(breaks.reshape((-1, 1)).astype(float)) alpha.append(self.model_euler[satellite].coeffs[ 0, :, 0].reshape((-1, 1)).astype(float)) beta.append(self.model_euler[satellite].coeffs[ 0, :, 1].reshape((-1, 1)).astype(float)) gamma.append(self.model_euler[satellite].coeffs[ 0, :, 2].reshape((-1, 1)).astype(float)) hdf.write(np.array(t_break_Euler, dtype='object'), path='/model_Euler/t_break_Euler/', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) hdf.write(np.array(alpha, dtype='object'), path='/model_Euler/alpha/', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) hdf.write(np.array(beta, dtype='object'), path='/model_Euler/beta/', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) hdf.write(np.array(gamma, dtype='object'), path='/model_Euler/gamma/', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) if self.model_cal: # write calibration parameters to matfile for each satellite cal = [] for satellite, model in self.model_cal.items(): cal.append(model.to_ppdict()) hdf.write(np.array(cal, dtype=object), path='/pp_CAL/', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) if self.model_static: # write static internal field model to matfile g = np.ravel(self.model_static.coeffs).reshape((-1, 1)) hdf.write(g, path='/g', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) if self.meta: hdf.write(self.meta['params'], path='/params', filename=filepath, matlab_compatible=True) print('CHAOS saved to {}.'.format( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filepath)))
[docs] @classmethod def from_mat(self, filepath, name=None, satellites=None): """ Alternative constructor for creating a :class:`CHAOS` class instance. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to MAT-file containing the CHAOS model. name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension. satellites : list of strings, optional List of satellite names whose Euler angles are stored in the MAT-file. This is needed for correct referencing as this information is not given in the standard CHAOS MAT-file format (defaults to ``['oersted', 'champ', 'sac_c', 'swarm_a', 'swarm_b', 'swarm_c', 'cryosat-2_1', 'cryosat-2_2', 'cryosat-2_3']``.) Returns ------- model : :class:`CHAOS` instance Fully initialized model. Examples -------- Load for example the MAT-file ``CHAOS-6-x7.mat`` in the current working directory like this: >>> from chaosmagpy import CHAOS >>> model = CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> print(model) See Also -------- load_CHAOS_matfile """ return load_CHAOS_matfile(filepath, name=name, satellites=satellites)
[docs] @classmethod def from_shc(self, filepath, *, name=None, leap_year=None): """ Alternative constructor for creating a :class:`CHAOS` class instance. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to SHC-file. name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to ``'CHAOS-<version>'``, where <version> is the default in ``basicConfig['params.version']``. leap_year : {False, True}, optional Take leap year in time conversion into account. By default set to ``False``, so that a conversion factor of 365.25 days per year is used. Returns ------- model : :class:`CHAOS` instance Class instance with either the time-dependent or static internal part initialized. Examples -------- Load for example the SHC-file ``CHAOS-6-x7_tdep.shc`` in the current working directory, containing the coefficients of time-dependent internal part of the CHAOS-6-x7 model. >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_shc('CHAOS-6-x7_tdep.shc') >>> print(model) See Also -------- load_CHAOS_shcfile """ leap_year = False if leap_year is None else leap_year return load_CHAOS_shcfile(filepath, name=name, leap_year=leap_year)
[docs] def load_CHAOS_matfile(filepath, name=None, satellites=None): """ Load CHAOS model from MAT-file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to MAT-file containing the CHAOS model. name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension. satellites : list of strings, optional List of satellite names whose Euler angles are stored in the MAT-file. This is needed for correct referencing as this information is not given in the standard CHAOS MAT-file format (defaults to ``['oersted', 'champ', 'sac_c', 'swarm_a', 'swarm_b', 'swarm_c', 'cryosat-2_1', 'cryosat-2_2', 'cryosat-2_3']``.) Returns ------- model : :class:`CHAOS` instance Fully initialized model. Examples -------- Load for example the MAT-file ``CHAOS-6-x7.mat`` in the current working directory like this: >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('CHAOS-6-x7.mat') >>> print(model) Compute the Gauss coefficients of the time-dependent internal field on January 1, 2018 at 0:00 UTC. First, convert the date to modified Julian date: >>> cp.data_utils.mjd2000(2018, 1, 1) 6575.0 Now, compute the Gauss coefficients: >>> coeffs = model.synth_coeffs_tdep(6575.) >>> coeffs array([-2.94172133e+04, -1.46670696e+03, ..., -8.23461504e-02]) Compute only the dipolar part by restricting the spherical harmonic degree with the help of the ``nmax`` keyword argument: >>> coeffs = model.synth_coeffs_tdep(6575., nmax=1) >>> coeffs array([-29417.21325337, -1466.70696158, 4705.96297947]) Compute the first time derivative of the internal Gauss coefficients in nT/yr with the help of the ``deriv`` keyword argument: >>> coeffs = model.synth_coeffs_tdep(6575., deriv=1) # nT/yr >>> coeffs array([ 6.45476360e+00, 8.56693199e+00, ..., 1.13856347e-03]) Compute values of the time-dependent internal magnetic field on January 1, 2018 at 0:00 UTC at :math:`(\\theta, \\phi) = (90^\\circ, 0^\\circ)` on Earth's surface (:math:`r=6371.2` km): >>> B_radius, B_theta, B_phi = model.synth_values_tdep(\ 6575., 6371.2, 90., 0.) >>> B_theta array(-27642.31732596) See Also -------- CHAOS, load_CHAOS_shcfile """ filepath = str(filepath) if name is None: # get name without extension name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] # define satellite names if satellites is None: satellites = ['oersted', 'champ', 'sac_c', 'swarm_a', 'swarm_b', 'swarm_c', 'cryosat-2_1', 'cryosat-2_2', 'cryosat-2_3'] mat_contents = du.load_matfile(filepath) pp = mat_contents['pp'] order = int(pp['order']) pieces = int(pp['pieces']) dim = int(pp['dim']) breaks = pp['breaks'] coefs = pp['coefs'] # reshaping coeffs_tdep from 2-D to 3-D: (order, pieces, coefficients) coeffs_tdep = coefs.transpose().reshape((order, pieces, dim)) # load the static internal field model try: coeffs_static = mat_contents['g'].reshape((1, 1, -1)) except KeyError as err: warnings.warn(f'Missing static internal field coefficients: {err}') coeffs_static = None # load the external field model try: model_ext = mat_contents['model_ext'] except KeyError as err: warnings.warn(f'Missing external field coefficients: {err}') coeffs_delta = None breaks_delta = None coeffs_gsm = None coeffs_sm = None else: # external field (SM): n=1, 2 (n=1 are sm offset time averages!) coeffs_sm = np.copy(model_ext['m_sm']) coeffs_sm[:3] = model_ext['m_Dst'] # replace with m_Dst # external field (GSM): n=1, 2 n_gsm = int(2) coeffs_gsm = np.zeros((n_gsm*(n_gsm+2),)) # correct number of coeffs # only m=0 are non-zero coeffs_gsm[[0, 3]] = model_ext['m_gsm'] # coefficients and breaks of external SM offsets for q10, q11, s11 breaks_delta = dict() breaks_delta['q10'] = model_ext['t_break_q10'] breaks_delta['q11'] = model_ext['t_break_qs11'] breaks_delta['s11'] = model_ext['t_break_qs11'] # reshape to comply with scipy PPoly coefficients coeffs_delta = dict() coeffs_delta['q10'] = model_ext['q10'].reshape((1, -1)) qs11 = model_ext['qs11'] coeffs_delta['q11'] = qs11[:, 0].reshape((1, -1)) coeffs_delta['s11'] = qs11[:, 1].reshape((1, -1)) # load euler angles try: model_euler = mat_contents['model_Euler'] except KeyError as err: warnings.warn(f'Missing Euler angles: {err}') coeffs_euler = None breaks_euler = None else: # append generic satellite name if more data available or reduce t_break_Euler = model_euler['t_break_Euler'] n = len(t_break_Euler) m = len(satellites) if n < m: satellites = satellites[:n] elif n > m: for counter in range(m+1, n+1): satellites.append(f'satellite_{counter}') # coefficients and breaks of euler angles breaks_euler = dict() for num, satellite in enumerate(satellites): breaks_euler[satellite] = t_break_Euler[num].squeeze() coeffs_euler = dict() for num, satellite in enumerate(satellites): angles = [model_euler[angle][num] for angle in [ 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']] euler = np.concatenate(angles, axis=-1).astype(float) # first: order, second: number of intervals, third: 3 angles coeffs_euler[satellite] = np.expand_dims(euler, axis=0) # load calibration parameters try: model_cal = mat_contents['pp_CAL'] except KeyError as err: warnings.warn(f'Missing calibration parameters: {err}') breaks_cal = None coeffs_cal = None else: # only support of single satellite breaks_cal = {'cryosat-2_1': model_cal['breaks']} coeffs_cal = {'cryosat-2_1': model_cal['coefs'].reshape((1, -1, 9))} # load additional parameters try: params = mat_contents['params'] dict_params = {'Euler_prerotation': params['Euler_prerotation']} except KeyError as err: warnings.warn(f'Missing params dictionary of Euler prerotation: {err}') dict_params = {'Euler_prerotation': None} meta = dict(params=dict_params, satellites=tuple(satellites)) model = CHAOS(breaks=breaks, order=order, coeffs_tdep=coeffs_tdep, coeffs_static=coeffs_static, coeffs_sm=coeffs_sm, coeffs_gsm=coeffs_gsm, breaks_delta=breaks_delta, coeffs_delta=coeffs_delta, breaks_euler=breaks_euler, coeffs_euler=coeffs_euler, breaks_cal=breaks_cal, coeffs_cal=coeffs_cal, name=name, meta=meta) return model
[docs] def load_CHAOS_shcfile(filepath, name=None, leap_year=None): """ Load CHAOS model from SHC-file. The file should contain the coefficients of the time-dependent or static internal part of the CHAOS model. In case of the time-dependent part, a reconstruction of the piecewise polynomial is performed. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to SHC-file. name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension. leap_year : {False, True}, optional Take leap year in time conversion into account. By default set to ``False``, so that a conversion factor of 365.25 days per year is used. Returns ------- model : :class:`CHAOS` instance Class instance with either the time-dependent or static internal part initialized. Examples -------- Load for example the SHC-file ``CHAOS-6-x7_tdep.shc`` in the current working directory, containing the coefficients of time-dependent internal part of the CHAOS-6-x7 model. >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> model = cp.load_CHAOS_shcfile('CHAOS-6-x7_tdep.shc') >>> print(model) Compute the Gauss coefficients of the time-dependent internal field on January 1, 2018 at 0:00 UTC. First, convert the date to modified Julian date: >>> cp.data_utils.mjd2000(2018, 1, 1) 6575.0 Now, compute the Gauss coefficients: >>> coeffs = model.synth_coeffs_tdep(6575.) >>> coeffs array([-2.94172133e+04, -1.46670696e+03, ..., -8.23461504e-02]) Compute only the dipolar part by restricting the spherical harmonic degree with the help of the ``nmax`` keyword argument: >>> coeffs = model.synth_coeffs_tdep(6575., nmax=1) >>> coeffs array([-29417.21325337, -1466.70696158, 4705.96297947]) Compute the first time derivative of the internal Gauss coefficients in nT/yr with the help of the ``deriv`` keyword argument: >>> coeffs = model.synth_coeffs_tdep(6575., deriv=1) # nT/yr >>> coeffs array([ 6.45476360e+00, 8.56693199e+00, ..., 1.13856347e-03]) Compute values of the time-dependent internal magnetic field on January 1, 2018 at 0:00 UTC at :math:`(\\theta, \\phi) = (90^\\circ, 0^\\circ)` on Earth's surface (:math:`r=6371.2` km): >>> B_radius, B_theta, B_phi = model.synth_values_tdep(\ 6575., 6371.2, 90., 0.) >>> B_theta array(-27642.31732596) See Also -------- CHAOS, load_CHAOS_matfile """ if name is None: # get name without extension name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] leap_year = False if leap_year is None else bool(leap_year) # create dummy BaseModel since there is no entry point to directly modify # CHAOS.model_tdep or CHAOS.model_static at the moment model = BaseModel.from_shc(filepath, name=name, leap_year=leap_year) if (model.pieces == 1) and (model.order == 1): # static in single bin return CHAOS( breaks=model.breaks, coeffs_static=model.coeffs, ) else: # must be time-dependent, incl. piecewise constant return CHAOS( breaks=model.breaks, order=model.order, coeffs_tdep=model.coeffs, )
[docs] def load_CovObs_txtfile(filepath, name=None): """ Load the ensemble mean of the internal model from the COV-OBS TXT-file in spline format. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to spline-formatted TXT-file (not part of ChaosMagPy). name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension. Returns ------- model : :class:`BaseModel` Class :class:`BaseModel` instance. References ---------- For details on the COV-OBS model (COV-OBS.x2), see the original publication: Huder, L., Gillet, N., Finlay, C. C., Hammer, M. D. and H. Tchoungui (2020), "COV-OBS.x2: 180 yr of geomagnetic field evolution from ground-based and satellite observations", Earth, Planets and Space. Examples -------- Load the ensemble mean internal model and plot the degree-1 secular variation. Here, the model parameter file, e.g. "COV-OBS.x2-int", is in the current working directory. .. code-block:: python import chaosmagpy as cp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np model = cp.load_CovObs_txtfile('COV-OBS.x2-int') # load model TXT-file fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 6)) # sample model timespan time = np.linspace(1840., 2020., 1000) # decimal years mjd = cp.data_utils.dyear_to_mjd(time, leap_year=False) coeffs = model.synth_coeffs(mjd, nmax=1, deriv=1) ax.plot(cp.data_utils.timestamp(time), coeffs) ax.set_title( ax.set_xlabel('Time (years)') ax.set_ylabel('nT/yr') ax.legend(['$g_1^0$', '$g_1^1$', '$h_1^1$']) plt.tight_layout() """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() if name is None: # get name without extension name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] tmp = np.fromstring(lines[1], sep=' ') # read parameters and breaks nmax = int(tmp[0]) order = int(tmp[2]) degree = order - 1 # polynomial degree # convert decimal year to modified Julian date (using 365.25 days/year) breaks = du.dyear_to_mjd(tmp[3:], leap_year=False) # add endpoint multiplicity to conform with scipy's BSpline routine knots = mu.augment_breaks(breaks, order) data = np.fromstring(' '.join(lines[2:]), sep=' ') # add zeros at endpoints to match manually extended knots coeffs = np.zeros((knots.size - order, nmax * (nmax + 2))) # insert actual coefficients, endpoint coefficients are now zero coeffs[degree:-degree, :] = data.reshape( (breaks.size - order, nmax * (nmax + 2))) return BaseModel.from_bspline(name, knots, coeffs, order, source='internal')
[docs] def load_gufm1_txtfile(filepath, name=None): """ Load model parameter file of the gufm1 model. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to TXT-file (provided by the modellers). name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension. Returns ------- model : :class:`BaseModel` Class :class:`BaseModel` instance. References ---------- For details on the gufm1 model, see the original publication: Andrew Jackson, Art R. T. Jonkers and Matthew R. Walker (2000), "Four centuries of geomagnetic secular variation from historical records", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.358957–990, Examples -------- Load the model and plot the degree-1 secular variation. Here, the model parameter file, e.g. "gufm1", is in the current working directory. .. code-block:: python import chaosmagpy as cp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np model = cp.load_gufm1_txtfile('gufm1') # load model TXT-file fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 6)) # sample model timespan 7.5 years away from endpoints time = np.linspace(1590., 1990., 1000) # decimal years mjd = cp.data_utils.dyear_to_mjd(time, leap_year=False) coeffs = model.synth_coeffs(mjd, nmax=1, deriv=1) ax.plot(time, coeffs) ax.set_title( ax.set_xlabel('Time (years)') ax.set_ylabel('nT/yr') ax.legend(['$g_1^0$', '$g_1^1$', '$h_1^1$']) plt.tight_layout() """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() if name is None: # get name without extension name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] data = np.fromstring(' '.join(lines[1:]), sep=' ') nmax = int(data[0]) order = 4 # hard-coded since not really provided in file nbreaks = int(data[1]) + order # data[1] is number of B-spline functions? degree = order - 1 # polynomial degree # convert decimal year to modified Julian date (using 365.25 days/year) breaks = du.dyear_to_mjd(data[2:(nbreaks + 2)], leap_year=False) # add endpoint multiplicity to "trick" scipy's BSpline routine knots = mu.augment_breaks(breaks, order) # add zeros at endpoints to match manually extended knots coeffs = np.zeros((knots.size - order, nmax * (nmax + 2))) # insert actual coefficients, endpoint coefficients are now zero coeffs[degree:-degree, :] = data[(nbreaks + 2):].reshape( (breaks.size - order, nmax * (nmax + 2))) return BaseModel.from_bspline(name, knots, coeffs, order, source='internal')
[docs] def load_CALS7K_txtfile(filepath, name=None): """ Load the model parameter file of the CALS7K model. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to TXT-file (available from the modellers). name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename. Returns ------- model : :class:`BaseModel` Class :class:`BaseModel` instance. References ---------- More information about the model and a list of relevant publications can be found at `<>`_. The model coefficients file can be downloaded from `<>`_. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import chaosmagpy as cp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np model = cp.load_CALS7K_txtfile('CALS7K.2') # load model TXT-file fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 6)) time = np.linspace(-5000., 1950., 1000) # decimal years mjd = cp.data_utils.dyear_to_mjd(time, leap_year=False) coeffs = model.synth_coeffs(mjd, nmax=1) ax.plot(time, coeffs) ax.set_title( ax.set_xlabel('years') ax.set_ylabel('nT') ax.legend(['$g_1^0$', '$g_1^1$', '$h_1^1$']) plt.tight_layout() """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: lines = # read everything as a continuous string if name is None: # get name with extension name = os.path.basename(filepath) # numpy doesn't understand "D" in decimal representation, replace with E data = np.fromstring(lines.replace('D', 'E'), sep=' ', dtype=float) # ts = data[0] # start time # te = data[1] # end time order = data[2] # cubic B-splines # discard index 3 nmax = int(data[4]) # maximum spherical harmonic degree # discard index 5 inspl = int(data[6]) # number of inner B-spline segments dim = nmax*(nmax+2) # number of spherical harmonic coefficients order = 4 # cubic splines degree = order - 1 # polynomial degree nbreaks = inspl + order # number of breaks breaks = data[7:(7+nbreaks)] # convert decimal year to modified Julian date (using 365.25 days/year) breaks = du.dyear_to_mjd(breaks, leap_year=False) # add endpoint multiplicity to "trick" scipy's BSpline routine knots = mu.augment_breaks(breaks, order) # add zeros at endpoints to match manually extended knots coeffs = np.zeros((knots.size - order, dim)) # insert actual coefficients, endpoint coefficients are now zero coeffs[degree:-degree, :] = data[(7+nbreaks):].reshape( (breaks.size - order, dim)) return BaseModel.from_bspline(name, knots, coeffs, order, source='internal')
[docs] def load_IGRF_txtfile(filepath, name=None): """ Load the IGRF internal field model from the TXT-file with the piecewise-polynomial coefficients. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the IGRF TXT-file (not part of ChaosMagPy). name : str, optional User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension. Returns ------- model : :class:`BaseModel` Class :class:`BaseModel` instance. References ---------- The latest IGRF coefficients can be downloaded at `<>`_. Notes ----- The field is linearly extrapolated in the 5-year period at the end of the model time interval (i.e. in the period 2020-2025 for IGRF-13) using the predictive secular variation in the IGRF. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python import chaosmagpy as cp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np model = cp.load_IGRF_txtfile('irgf13coeffs.txt') # load model TXT-file fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 6)) time = np.linspace(1900., 2020., 1000) # decimal years mjd = cp.data_utils.dyear_to_mjd(time, leap_year=True) coeffs = model.synth_coeffs(mjd, nmax=1) ax.plot(time, coeffs) ax.set_title( ax.set_xlabel('years') ax.set_ylabel('nT') ax.legend(['$g_1^0$', '$g_1^1$', '$h_1^1$']) plt.tight_layout() """ if name is None: # get name without extension name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] first_line = True data = np.array([]) with open(filepath, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.lstrip().startswith(('#', 'c/s')): continue tmp = line.split() # also splits consecutive whitespaces if first_line: # first non-comment line contains breaks breaks = np.array(tmp[3:-1], dtype=float) breaks = np.append(breaks, breaks[-1] + 5.) first_line = False else: newline = np.array(tmp[3:], dtype=float) # strip degree/order data = np.append(data, newline) data = np.reshape(data, (-1, breaks.size)) data[:, -1] = 5*data[:, -1] + data[:, -2] # sv is in the last column coeffs = data.T order = 2 breaks_mjd = du.dyear_to_mjd(breaks, leap_year=True) knots = mu.augment_breaks(breaks_mjd, order) model = BaseModel.from_bspline(name, knots, coeffs, order, source='internal') return model