
class chaosmagpy.chaos.BaseModel(name, breaks=None, order=None, coeffs=None, source=None, meta=None)[source]

Bases: Base

Class for piecewise polynomial spherical harmonic models.


User specified name of the model.

breaksndarray, shape (m+1,)

Break points (m pieces plus one) for the piecewise polynomial representation of the field model in modified Julian date format. If a single break point is given, it is appended to itself to have two points defining the model interval (single piece).

orderint, positive

Order k of the polynomial pieces (e.g. 1 = constant, 4 = cubic).

coeffsndarray, shape (k, m, nmax * (nmax + 2))

Coefficients of the piecewise polynomial representation of the field model.

source{‘internal’, ‘external’}

Internal or external source (defaults to 'internal')

metadict, optional

Dictionary containing additional information about the model if available.

breaksndarray, shape (m+1,)

Break points (m pieces plus one) for the piecewise polynomial representation of the field model in modified Julian date format.

piecesint, positive

Number m of intervals given by break points in breaks.

orderint, positive

Order k of the polynomial pieces (e.g. 1 = constant, 4 = cubic).

nmaxint, positive

Maximum spherical harmonic degree of the field model.

dimint, nmax * (nmax + 2)

Dimension of the model.

coeffsndarray, shape (k, m, nmax * (nmax + 2))

Coefficients of the time-dependent field.

source{‘internal’, ‘external’}

Internal or external source (defaults to 'internal')

metadict, optional

Dictionary containing additional information about the model if available.


from_bspline(name, knots, coeffs, order[, ...])

Return BaseModel instance from a B-spline representation.

from_shc(filepath, *[, name, leap_year, ...])

Return BaseModel instance by loading a model from an shc-file.

plot_maps(time, radius, **kwargs)

Plot global maps of the field components.

plot_power_spectrum(time, **kwargs)

Plot the spatial power spectrum.

plot_timeseries(radius, theta, phi, **kwargs)

Plot the time series of the time-dependent field components at a specific location.

power_spectrum(time[, radius])

Compute the spatial power spectrum.

synth_coeffs(time, *[, nmax, deriv, extrapolate])

Compute the coefficients from the piecewise polynomial representation.

synth_values(time, radius, theta, phi, *[, ...])

Compute magnetic components from the field model.

to_shc(filepath, *[, leap_year, nmin, nmax, ...])

Save spherical harmonic coefficients to a file in shc-format.

classmethod from_bspline(name, knots, coeffs, order, source=None, meta=None)[source]

Return BaseModel instance from a B-spline representation.


User specified name of the model.

knotsndarray, shape (N,)

B-spline knots. Knots must have endpoint multiplicity equal to order. Zero-pad coeffs if needed.

coeffsndarray, shape (M, D)

Bspline coefficients for the M B-splines parameterizing D dimensions.


Order of the B-spline.

source{‘internal’, ‘external’}

Internal or external source (defaults to 'internal')

metadict, optional

Dictionary containing additional information about the model.


Class BaseModel instance.

classmethod from_shc(filepath, *, name=None, leap_year=None, source=None, meta=None)[source]

Return BaseModel instance by loading a model from an shc-file.


Path to shc-file.

namestr, optional

User defined name of the model. Defaults to the filename without the file extension.

leap_year{False, True}, optional

Take leap year in time conversion into account. By default set to False, so that a conversion factor of 365.25 days per year is used.

source{‘internal’, ‘external’}

Internal or external source (defaults to 'internal')

metadict, optional

Dictionary containing additional information about the model.


Class BaseModel instance.

plot_maps(time, radius, **kwargs)[source]

Plot global maps of the field components.

timendarray, shape (), (1,) or float

Time in modified Julian date.

radiusndarray, shape (), (1,) or float

Array containing the radius in kilometers.

Other Parameters:
nmaxint, positive, optional

Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified).

derivint, positive, optional

Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose deriv=1.


Other options are passed to plot_utils.plot_maps() function.


For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using fig = plt.gcf() and axes = fig.axes right after the call to this plotting method.

plot_power_spectrum(time, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the spatial power spectrum.


Time in modified Julian date.

Other Parameters:
radiusfloat, optional

Radius in kilometers (defaults to Earth’s surface defined in basicConfig[‘r_surf’]).

nmaxint, positive, optional

Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified).

derivint, positive, optional

Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose deriv=1.


For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using fig = plt.gcf() and axes = fig.axes right after the call to this plotting method.

plot_timeseries(radius, theta, phi, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the time series of the time-dependent field components at a specific location.

radiusndarray, shape (), (1,) or float

Radius of station in kilometers.

thetandarray, shape (), (1,) or float

Colatitude in degrees \([0^\circ, 180^\circ]\).

phindarray, shape (), (1,) or float

Longitude in degrees.

Other Parameters:
nmaxint, positive, optional

Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified).

derivint, positive, optional

Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose deriv=1.

extrapolate{‘linear’, ‘spline’, ‘constant’, ‘off’}, optional

Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Defaults to 'linear'.


Other options to pass to plot_utils.plot_timeseries() function.


For more customization get access to the figure and axes handles through matplotlib by using fig = plt.gcf() and axes = fig.axes right after the call to this plotting method.

power_spectrum(time, radius=None, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the spatial power spectrum.

timendarray, shape (…)

Time in modified Julian date.

radiusfloat, optional

Radius in kilometers (defaults to Earth’s surface defined in basicConfig['r_surf']).

R_nndarray, shape (…, nmax)

Spatial power spectrum of the spherical harmonic expansion up to degree nmax.

Other Parameters:
nmaxint, positive, optional

Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified).

derivint, positive, optional

Derivative in time (default is 0). For secular variation, choose deriv=1.


Other options to pass to BaseModel.synth_coeffs() method.

synth_coeffs(time, *, nmax=None, deriv=None, extrapolate=None)[source]

Compute the coefficients from the piecewise polynomial representation.

timendarray, shape (…) or float

Array containing the time in modified Julian dates.

nmaxint, positive, optional

Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified).

derivint, positive, optional

Derivative in time (defaults to 0). For secular variation, choose deriv=1.

extrapolate{‘linear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘spline’, ‘constant’, ‘off’} or int, optional

Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Specify polynomial degree as string or any order as integer. Defaults to 'linear' (equiv. to order 2 polynomials).




Use degree zero polynomial only (extrapolate=1).


Use degree-1 polynomials (extrapolate=2).


Use degree-2 polynomials (extrapolate=3).


Use degree-3 polynomials (extrapolate=4).


Use all degree polynomials.


Return NaN outside model bounds (extrapolate=0).

coeffsndarray, shape (…, nmax * (nmax + 2))

Array containing the coefficients.

synth_values(time, radius, theta, phi, *, nmax=None, deriv=None, grid=None, extrapolate=None)[source]

Compute magnetic components from the field model.

timendarray, shape (…) or float

Array containing the time in modified Julian date.

radiusndarray, shape (…) or float

Radius in kilometers.

thetandarray, shape (…) or float

Colatitude in degrees.

phindarray, shape (…) or float

Longitude in degrees.

nmaxint, positive, optional

Maximum degree of the harmonic expansion (default is given by the model coefficients, but can also be smaller, if specified).

derivint, positive, optional

Derivative in time (defaults to 0). For secular variation, choose deriv=1.

gridbool, optional

If True, field components are computed on a regular grid. Arrays theta and phi must have one dimension less than the output grid since the grid will be created as their outer product.

extrapolate{‘linear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘spline’, ‘constant’, ‘off’} or int, optional

Extrapolate to times outside of the model bounds. Specify polynomial degree as string or any order as integer. Defaults to 'linear' (equiv. to order 2 polynomials).

B_radius, B_theta, B_phindarray, shape (…)

Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components.

to_shc(filepath, *, leap_year=None, nmin=None, nmax=None, header=None)[source]

Save spherical harmonic coefficients to a file in shc-format.


Path and name of output file *.shc.

leap_year{False, True}, optional

Take leap year in time conversion into account. By default set to False, so that a conversion factor of 365.25 days per year is used.

nminint, optional

Minimum spherical harmonic degree (defaults to 1). This will remove first values from coeffs if greater than 1.

nmaxint, optional

Maximum spherical harmonic degree (defaults to the maximum degree of the model given by self.nmax).

headerstr, optional

Optional header at beginning of file (defaults to a comment line with the name of the model given by