Source code for chaosmagpy.model_utils

`chaosmagpy.model_utils` provides functions for analyzing and estimating
geomagnetic field models in general, and the CHAOS geomagnetic field model in

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: functions



import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline, PPoly
from . import config_utils

[docs]def design_matrix(knots, order, n_tdep, time, radius, theta, phi, n_static=None, source=None): """ Returns matrices that connect radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components on a grid with `radius`, `theta` (colatitude) and `phi` to the spherical harmonics expansion of a potential. The potential is time-dependent on large length-scales (`n` <= `n_tdep`) and static on small length-scales (`n_tdep` < `n` <= `n_static`). The time-dependent part uses a B-spline representation of order `k`. Parameters ---------- knots : ndarray, shape >= (k+1,) Knot vector with adequate endpoint multiplicity. order : int, positive Order `k` of B-spline basis functions (4 = cubic). n_tdep : int, positive Maximum degree of the time-dependent field. time : ndarray, shape (N,) Time vector of the `N` data points in days. radius : ndarray, shape (N,) Radius vector of the `N` data points in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (N,) Data colatitude vector in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ,180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (N,) Data longitude vector in degrees. n_static : int, positive, optional Maximum degree of static field (default is ``None``, `n_static` > `n_tdep`). source : {'internal', 'external'}, optional Magnetic field source (default is internal). Returns ------- G_radius, G_theta, G_phi : ndarray, shape (N, ...) Forward matrix for :math:`B_r`, :math:`B_{\\theta}` and :math:`B_{\\phi}`. Raises ------ ValueError If degree of static field is smaller than the degree of the time-dep. field. In order to exclude the static field and obtain a purely time-dependent potential, use optional argument ``n_static=None`` or leave out completely. See Also -------- design_gauss """ assert time.shape == radius.shape == theta.shape == phi.shape assert time.ndim == 1 assert np.amin(theta) > 0. and np.amax(theta) < 180. n_data = time.size # number of data points if n_static: if n_static < n_tdep: raise ValueError("Degree of static field must be greater than " "degree of time-dependent field.") elif n_static == n_tdep: warnings.warn("Static and time-dependent field are of same " "degree. Ignoring static field.") if n_static is None: n_static = n_tdep if source is None: source = 'internal' n_coeff_tdep = n_tdep * (n_tdep + 2) # number of t-dep field coefficients n_coeff_static = n_static * (n_static + 2) # number of static field coeff # compute matrices that connect harmonics expansion with field values A_radius, A_theta, A_phi = design_gauss(radius, theta, phi, nmax=n_static, source=source) # compute collocation matrix of B-spline segments collmat = colloc_matrix(time, knots, order) n_segment = collmat.shape[1] # number of B-spline basis functions # allocate memory for output matrices G_radius = np.empty((n_data, (n_segment - 1)*n_coeff_tdep + n_coeff_static)) G_theta = np.empty((n_data, (n_segment - 1)*n_coeff_tdep + n_coeff_static)) G_phi = np.empty((n_data, (n_segment - 1)*n_coeff_tdep + n_coeff_static)) n_col = 0 # counter for columns for coeff in range(n_coeff_tdep): # for each time-dependent expansion coefficient, multiply with # collocation matrix use broadcasting to match shapes G_radius[:, n_col:n_col+n_segment] = A_radius[:, coeff, None] * collmat G_theta[:, n_col:n_col+n_segment] = A_theta[:, coeff, None] * collmat G_phi[:, n_col:n_col+n_segment] = A_phi[:, coeff, None] * collmat n_col += n_segment # add static background field G_radius[:, n_col:] = A_radius[:, n_coeff_tdep:n_coeff_static] G_theta[:, n_col:] = A_theta[:, n_coeff_tdep:n_coeff_static] G_phi[:, n_col:] = A_phi[:, n_coeff_tdep:n_coeff_static] return G_radius, G_theta, G_phi
[docs]def colloc_matrix(x, knots, order, deriv=None): """ Create collocation matrix of a univariate function on `x` in terms of a B-spline representation of order `k`. The computation of the splines is based on the scipy-package. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray, shape (N,) `N` points to evaluate the B-spline at. knots : ndarray, shape >= (k+1,) Vector of knots derived from breaks (with appropriate endpoint multiplicity). order : int, positive Order `k` of the B-spline (4 = cubic). deriv: int, positive, optional Derivative of the B-spline partition (defaults to 0). Returns ------- collmat : ndarray, shape (N, n-k) Collocation matrix, `n` is the size of `knots`. See Also -------- augment_breaks """ if deriv is None: deriv = 0 if deriv >= order: return np.zeros((max(x.size, 1), knots.size - order)) else: # create spline using scipy.interpolate coll = np.empty((max(x.size, 1), knots.size - order)) for n in range(knots.size - order): c = np.zeros(knots.size - order) c[n] = 1. b = BSpline.construct_fast(knots, c, order-1, extrapolate=False) coll[:, n] = b(x, nu=deriv) return coll
[docs]def augment_breaks(breaks, order): """ Augment a vector of break points and return the knot vector for a B-spline representation of order `k`. Parameters ---------- breaks: ndarray, shape (n,) 1-D array, containing `n` break points (without endpoint repeats). order: int, positive Order `k` of B-spline (4 = cubic). Returns ------- knots: ndarray, shape (n+2k-2,) 1-D array with `k`-times repeated copies of the `breaks`-vector endpoints ``breaks[0]`` and ``breaks[-1]``. """ if isinstance(breaks, np.ndarray) and breaks.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Breaks must be a 1-D array.") degree = order - 1 return np.array([breaks[0]]*degree + list(breaks) + [breaks[-1]]*degree)
[docs]def pp_from_bspline(coeffs, knots, order): """ Return a piecewise polynomial from a BSpline representation. Parameters ---------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (M, D) Bspline coefficients for the `M` B-splines parameterizing `D` dimensions. knots : ndarray, shape (N,) B-spline knots. The knots must have the full endpoint multiplicity. Zero-pad spline coefficients if needed. order : int Order of the B-spline. Returns ------- coeffs_pp : ndarray, shape (K, P, D) Coefficients of the piecewise polynomial where `K` is the order (``order``), `P` is the number of pieces and `D` is the dimension. breaks : ndarray, shape (P+1,) Break points of the piecewise polynomial. """ degree = order - 1 breaks = np.unique(knots) pieces = breaks.size - 1 dim = coeffs.shape[-1] coeffs_pp = np.empty((order, pieces, dim)) # have to do it manually for each dimension for d in range(dim): bs = BSpline(knots, coeffs[:, d], degree) pp = PPoly.from_spline(bs, extrapolate=False) # remove endpoint multiplicities coeffs_pp[:, :, d] = pp.c[:, degree:(degree+pieces)] return coeffs_pp, breaks
[docs]def synth_from_pp(breaks, order, coeffs, time, radius, theta, phi, *, nmax=None, source=None, deriv=None, grid=None): """ Compute radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components from the magnetic potential in terms of a spherical harmonic expansion in form of a piecewise polynomial. Parameters ---------- breaks : ndarray, shape (m+1,) 1-D array, containing `m+1` break points (without endpoint repeats) for `m` intervals. order : int, positive Order `k` of piecewise polynomials (4 = cubic). coeffs : ndarray, shape (k, m, nmax*(nmax+2)) Coefficients of the piecewise polynomials, where `m` is the number of polynomial pieces. The trailing dimension is equal to the number of expansion coefficients for each interval. time : ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the time in days. radius : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the radius in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ,180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (...) or float Array containing the longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree harmonic expansion (default is given by ``coeffs``, but can also be smaller, if specified). source : {'internal', 'external'}, optional Magnetic field source (default is an internal source). deriv : int, positive, optional Derivative to be taken (default is 0). grid : bool, optional If ``True``, field components are computed on a regular grid. Arrays ``theta`` and ``phi`` must have one dimension less than the output grid since the grid will be created as their outer product. Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. See Also -------- synth_values """ # handle optional argument: nmax nmax_coeffs = int(np.sqrt(coeffs.shape[-1] + 1) - 1) # degree for coeffs if nmax is None: nmax = nmax_coeffs elif nmax > nmax_coeffs: warnings.warn('Input nmax = {0} is incompatible with the number of ' 'model coefficients. Using nmax = {1} instead.'.format( nmax, nmax_coeffs)) nmax = nmax_coeffs # handle optional argument: source source = 'internal' if source is None else source # compute SH coefficients from pp-form and take derivatives if needed deriv = 0 if deriv is None else deriv # set grid option to false grid = False if grid is None else grid PP = PPoly.construct_fast(coeffs[..., :nmax*(nmax+2)], breaks, extrapolate=False) PP = PP.derivative(nu=deriv) gauss_coeffs = PP(time) * 365.25**deriv B_radius, B_theta, B_phi = synth_values( gauss_coeffs, radius, theta, phi, nmax=nmax, source=source, grid=grid) return B_radius, B_theta, B_phi
[docs]def synth_values(coeffs, radius, theta, phi, *, nmax=None, nmin=None, mmax=None, source=None, grid=None): """ Computes radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components from the magnetic potential field in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients. Parameters ---------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (..., M) Coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion. The last dimension is equal to the number of coefficients. radius : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the radius in kilometers. theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ,180^\\circ]`. phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive, optional Maximum degree up to which expansion is to be used (default is given by the last dimension of ``coeffs``, that is, ``M = nmax(nmax+2)``). This value can also be smaller if only coefficients at low degree should contribute. nmin : int, positive, optional Minimum degree of the expansion (defaults to 1). This value must correspond to the minimum degree of the coefficients and cannot be larger. mmax : int, positive, optional Maximum order of the spherical harmonic expansion (defaults to ``nmax``). This value can also be smaller. For example, if only the zonal part of the expansion should be used, set ``mmax = 0``. source : {'internal', 'external'}, optional Magnetic field source (default is an internal source). grid : bool, optional If ``True``, field components are computed on a regular grid. Arrays ``theta`` and ``phi`` must have one dimension less than the output grid since the grid will be created as their outer product (defaults to ``False``). Returns ------- B_radius, B_theta, B_phi : ndarray, shape (...) Radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. Warnings -------- The function can also evaluate the field components at the geographic poles, i.e. where ``theta == 0.`` or ``theta == 180.``. However, users should be careful when doing this because the vector basis for spherical geocentric coordinates, :math:`{{\\mathbf{e}_r, \\mathbf{e}_\\theta, \\mathbf{e}_\\phi}}`, depends on longitude, which is not well defined at the poles. That is, at the poles, any value for the longitude maps to the same location in euclidean coordinates but gives a different vector basis in spherical geocentric coordinates. Nonetheless, by choosing a specific value for the longitude at the poles, users can define the vector basis, which then establishes the meaning of the spherical geocentric components returned by this function. The vector basis for the horizontal components is defined as .. math:: \\mathbf{e}_\\theta &= \\cos\\theta\\cos\\phi\\mathbf{e}_x - \\cos\\theta\\sin\\phi\\mathbf{e}_y - \\sin\\theta\\mathbf{e}_z\\\\ \\mathbf{e}_\\phi &= -\\sin\\phi\\mathbf{e}_x + \\cos\\phi\\mathbf{e}_y Hence, at the geographic north pole as given by ``theta = 0.`` and ``phi = 0.`` (chosen by the user), the returned component ``B_theta`` will be along the direction :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\theta = \\mathbf{e}_x` and ``B_phi`` along :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\phi = \\mathbf{e}_y`. However, if ``phi = 180.`` is chosen, ``B_theta`` will be along :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\theta = -\\mathbf{e}_x` and ``B_phi`` along :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\phi = -\\mathbf{e}_y`. Notes ----- The function can work with different grid shapes, but the inputs have to satisfy NumPy's `broadcasting rules \\ <>`_ (``grid=False``, default). This also applies to the dimension of the coefficients ``coeffs`` excluding the last dimension. The optional parameter ``grid`` is for convenience. If set to ``True``, a singleton dimension is appended (prepended) to ``theta`` (``phi``) for broadcasting to a regular grid. The other inputs ``radius`` and ``coeffs`` must then be broadcastable as before but now with the resulting regular grid. Examples -------- The most straight forward computation uses a fully specified grid. For example, compute the magnetic field at :math:`N=50` grid points on the surface. .. code-block:: python import chaosmagpy.model_utils as cpm import numpy as np N = 50 coeffs = np.ones((3,)) # degree 1 coefficients for all points radius = 6371.2 * np.ones((N,)) # radius of 50 points in km phi = np.linspace(-180., 180., num=N) # azimuth of 50 points in deg. theta = np.linspace(0., 180., num=N) # colatitude of 50 points in deg. B = cpm.synth_values(coeffs, radius, theta, phi) print([B[num].shape for num in range(3)]) # output shape (N,) Instead of `N` points, compute the field on a regular :math:`N\\times N`-grid in azimuth and colatitude (slow). .. code-block:: python radius_grid = 6371.2 * np.ones((N, N)) phi_grid, theta_grid = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) # grid of shape (N, N) B = cpm.synth_values(coeffs, radius_grid, theta_grid, phi_grid) print([B[num].shape for num in range(3)]) # output shape (N, N) But this is slow since some computations on the grid are repeatedly done. The preferred method is to use NumPy's broadcasting rules (fast). .. code-block:: python radius_grid = 6371.2 # float, () or (1,)-shaped array broadcasted to NxN theta_grid = theta[:, None] # append singleton: (N, 1) phi_grid = phi[None, :] # prepend singleton: (1, N) B = cpm.synth_values(coeffs, radius_grid, theta_grid, phi_grid) print([B[num].shape for num in range(3)]) # output shape (N, N) For convenience, you can do the same by using ``grid=True`` option, which appends a singleton dimension to ``theta`` and inserts a singleton dimension at the second to last position in the shape of ``phi``. .. code-block:: python B = cpm.synth_values(coeffs, radius_grid, theta, phi, grid=True) print([B[num].shape for num in range(3)]) # output shape (N, N) Remember that ``grid=False`` (default) will result in (N,)-shaped outputs as in the first example. """ # ensure ndarray inputs coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs, dtype=float) radius = (np.asarray(radius, dtype=float) / config_utils.basicConfig['params.r_surf']) theta = np.asarray(theta, dtype=float) phi = np.asarray(phi, dtype=float) theta_min = np.amin(theta) theta_max = np.amax(theta) if (theta_min <= 0.0) or (theta_max >= 180.0): if (theta_min == 0.0) or (theta_max == 180.0): warnings.warn('Input coordinates include the poles.') poles = True else: raise ValueError('Colatitude outside bounds [0, 180].') else: poles = False nmin = 1 if nmin is None else int(nmin) assert nmin > 0, 'The value of "nmin" must be greater than zero.' dim = coeffs.shape[-1] # handle nmax and mmax if (nmax is None) and (mmax is None): nmax = int(np.sqrt(dim + nmin**2) - 1) mmax = nmax elif mmax is None: # but nmax given mmax = nmax elif nmax is None: # but mmax given if mmax >= (nmin-1): nmax = int((dim - mmax*(mmax+2) + nmin**2 - 1) / (2*mmax+1) + mmax) else: nmax = int(dim / (2*mmax+1) + nmin - 1) if nmax < nmin: raise ValueError(f'Nothing to compute: nmax ({nmax}) < nmin ({nmin}).') # handle optional argument: source if source is None: source = 'internal' # handle grid option grid = False if grid is None else grid # manually broadcast input grid on surface if grid: theta = np.expand_dims(theta, axis=-1) # append singleton dimension phi = np.expand_dims(phi, axis=-2) # insert singleton before last # get shape of broadcasted result try: b = np.broadcast( radius, theta, phi, np.broadcast_to(0, coeffs.shape[:-1])) except ValueError: print('Cannot broadcast grid shapes (excl. last dimension of coeffs):') print(f'radius: {radius.shape}') print(f'theta: {theta.shape}') print(f'phi: {phi.shape}') print(f'coeffs: {coeffs.shape[:-1]}') raise grid_shape = b.shape # initialize radial dependence given the source if source == 'internal': r_n = radius**(-(nmin+2)) elif source == 'external': r_n = radius**(nmin-1) else: raise ValueError("Source must be either 'internal' or 'external'.") # compute associated Legendre polynomials as (n, m, theta-points)-array Pnm = legendre_poly(nmax, theta) # save sinth for fast access sinth = Pnm[1, 1] # find the poles if poles: where_poles = (theta == 0.) | (theta == 180.) # convert phi to radians phi = np.radians(phi) # allocate arrays in memory B_radius = np.zeros(grid_shape) B_theta = np.zeros(grid_shape) B_phi = np.zeros(grid_shape) num = 0 for n in range(nmin, nmax+1): if source == 'internal': B_radius += (n+1) * Pnm[n, 0] * r_n * coeffs[..., num] else: B_radius += -n * Pnm[n, 0] * r_n * coeffs[..., num] B_theta += -Pnm[0, n+1] * r_n * coeffs[..., num] num += 1 for m in range(1, min(n, mmax)+1): cmp = np.cos(m*phi) smp = np.sin(m*phi) if source == 'internal': B_radius += ((n+1) * Pnm[n, m] * r_n * (coeffs[..., num] * cmp + coeffs[..., num+1] * smp)) else: B_radius += -(n * Pnm[n, m] * r_n * (coeffs[..., num] * cmp + coeffs[..., num+1] * smp)) B_theta += (-Pnm[m, n+1] * r_n * (coeffs[..., num] * cmp + coeffs[..., num+1] * smp)) # need special treatment at the poles because Pnm/sinth = 0/0 for # theta in {0., 180.}, # use L'Hopital's rule to take the limit: # lim Pnm/sinth = k*dPnm | theta in {0., 180} # (evaluated at poles, where k=1 for theta=0 and k=-1 for # theta=180.); k = costh = P[1, 0] at poles for convenience if poles: div_Pnm = np.where(where_poles, Pnm[m, n+1], Pnm[n, m]) div_Pnm[where_poles] *= Pnm[1, 0][where_poles] div_Pnm[~where_poles] /= sinth[~where_poles] else: div_Pnm = Pnm[n, m] / sinth B_phi += (m * div_Pnm * r_n * (coeffs[..., num] * smp - coeffs[..., num+1] * cmp)) num += 2 if source == 'internal': r_n = r_n / radius # equivalent to r_n = radius**(-(n+2)) else: r_n = r_n * radius # equivalent to r_n = radius**(n-1) return B_radius, B_theta, B_phi
[docs]def design_gauss(radius, theta, phi, nmax, *, nmin=None, mmax=None, source=None): """ Computes matrices to connect the radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components to the magnetic potential field in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients (Schmidt quasi-normalized). Parameters ---------- radius : ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the radius in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ,180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Array containing the longitude in degrees. nmax : int, positive Maximum degree of the sphercial harmonic expansion. nmin : int, positive, optional Minimum degree of the sphercial harmonic expansion (defaults to 1). mmax : int, positive, optional Maximum order of the spherical harmonic expansion (defaults to ``nmax``). For ``mmax = 0``, for example, only the zonal terms are returned. source : {'internal', 'external'}, optional Magnetic field source (default is an internal source). Returns ------- A_radius, A_theta, A_phi : ndarray, shape (..., M) Matrices for radial, colatitude and azimuthal field components. The second dimension ``M`` varies depending on ``nmax``, ``nmin`` and ``mmax``. Warnings -------- The function can also return the design matrix for the field components at the geographic poles, i.e. where ``theta == 0.`` or ``theta == 180.``. However, users should be careful when doing this because the vector basis for spherical geocentric coordinates, :math:`{{\\mathbf{e}_r, \\mathbf{e}_\\theta, \\mathbf{e}_\\phi}}`, depends on longitude, which is not well defined at the poles. That is, at the poles, any value for the longitude maps to the same location in euclidean coordinates but gives a different vector basis in spherical geocentric coordinates. Nonetheless, by choosing a specific value for the longitude at the poles, users can define the vector basis, which then establishes the meaning of the spherical geocentric components. The vector basis for the horizontal components is defined as .. math:: \\mathbf{e}_\\theta &= \\cos\\theta\\cos\\phi\\mathbf{e}_x - \\cos\\theta\\sin\\phi\\mathbf{e}_y - \\sin\\theta\\mathbf{e}_z\\\\ \\mathbf{e}_\\phi &= -\\sin\\phi\\mathbf{e}_x + \\cos\\phi\\mathbf{e}_y Hence, at the geographic north pole as given by ``theta = 0.`` and ``phi = 0.`` (chosen by the user), the returned design matrix ``A_theta`` will be for components along the direction :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\theta = \\mathbf{e}_x` and ``A_phi`` for components along :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\phi = \\mathbf{e}_y`. However, if ``phi = 180.`` is chosen, ``A_theta`` will be for components along :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\theta = -\\mathbf{e}_x` and ``A_phi`` along :math:`\\mathbf{e}_\\phi = -\\mathbf{e}_y`. Examples -------- Create the design matrices given 4 locations on the Earth's surface: >>> r = 6371.2 >>> theta = np.array([90., 100., 110., 120.]) >>> phi = 0. >>> A_radius, A_theta, A_phi = design_gauss(r, theta, phi, nmax=1) >>> A_radius array([[ 1.22464680e-16, 2.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00], [-3.47296355e-01, 1.96961551e+00, 0.00000000e+00], [-6.84040287e-01, 1.87938524e+00, 0.00000000e+00], [-1.00000000e+00, 1.73205081e+00, 0.00000000e+00]]) Say, only the axial dipole coefficient is non-zero, what is the magnetic field in terms of spherical geocentric components? >>> m = np.array([-30000, 0., 0.]) # model coefficients in nT >>> Br = A_radius @ m; Br array([-3.67394040e-12, 1.04188907e+04, 2.05212086e+04, 3.00000000e+04]) >>> Bt = A_theta @ m; Bt array([-30000. , -29544.23259037, -28190.77862358, -25980.76211353]) >>> Bp = A_phi @ m; Bp array([0., 0., 0., 0.]) A more complete example is given below: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from chaosmagpy.model_utils import design_gauss, synth_values nmax = 5 # desired truncation degree, i.e. 35 model coefficients coeffs = np.arange(35) # example model coefficients # example locations N = 10 radius = 6371.2 # Earth's surface phi = np.linspace(-180., 180., num=N) # azimuth in degrees theta = np.linspace(1., 179., num=N) # colatitude in degrees # compute design matrices to compute predictions of the # field components from the model coefficients, each is of shape N x 35 A_radius, A_theta, A_phi = design_gauss(r, theta, phi, nmax=nmax) # magnetic components computed from the model Br_pred = A_radius @ coeffs Bt_pred = A_theta @ coeffs Bp_pred = A_phi @ coeffs # compute the magnetic components directly from the coefficients Br, Bt, Bp = synth_values(coeffs, radius, theta, phi) np.linalg.norm(Br - Br_pred) # approx 0. np.linalg.norm(Bt - Bt_pred) # approx 0. np.linalg.norm(Bp - Bp_pred) # approx 0. """ # ensure ndarray inputs radius = (np.asarray(radius, dtype=float) / config_utils.basicConfig['params.r_surf']) theta = np.asarray(theta, dtype=float) phi = np.asarray(phi, dtype=float) # get shape of broadcasted result try: b = np.broadcast(radius, theta, phi) except ValueError: print('Cannot broadcast grid shapes:') print(f'radius: {radius.shape}') print(f'theta: {theta.shape}') print(f'phi: {phi.shape}') raise shape = b.shape theta_min = np.amin(theta) theta_max = np.amax(theta) # check if poles are included if (theta_min <= 0.0) or (theta_max >= 180.0): if (theta_min == 0.0) or (theta_max == 180.0): warnings.warn('Input coordinates include the poles.') poles = True else: raise ValueError('Colatitude outside bounds [0, 180].') else: poles = False # set internal source as default if source is None: source = 'internal' assert nmax > 0, '"nmax" must be greater than zero.' nmin = 1 if nmin is None else int(nmin) assert nmin <= nmax, '"nmin" must be smaller than "nmax".' assert nmin > 0, '"nmin" must be greater than zero.' mmax = nmax if mmax is None else int(mmax) assert mmax <= nmax, '"mmax" must be smaller than "nmax".' assert mmax >= 0, '"mmax" must be greater than or equal to zero.' # initialize radial dependence given the source if source == 'internal': r_n = radius**(-(nmin+2)) elif source == 'external': r_n = radius**(nmin-1) else: raise ValueError("Source must be either 'internal' or 'external'.") # compute associated Legendre polynomials as (n, m, theta-points)-array Pnm = legendre_poly(nmax, theta) sinth = Pnm[1, 1] phi = np.radians(phi) # find the poles if poles: where_poles = (theta == 0.) | (theta == 180.) # compute the number of dimensions based on nmax, nmin, mmax if mmax >= (nmin-1): dim = int(mmax*(mmax+2) + (nmax-mmax)*(2*mmax+1) - nmin**2 + 1) else: dim = int((nmax-nmin+1)*(2*mmax+1)) # allocate A_radius, A_theta, A_phi in memeory A_radius = np.zeros(shape + (dim,)) A_theta = np.zeros(shape + (dim,)) A_phi = np.zeros(shape + (dim,)) num = 0 for n in range(nmin, nmax+1): if source == 'internal': A_radius[..., num] = (n+1) * Pnm[n, 0] * r_n else: A_radius[..., num] = -n * Pnm[n, 0] * r_n A_theta[..., num] = -Pnm[0, n+1] * r_n num += 1 for m in range(1, min(n, mmax)+1): cmp = np.cos(m*phi) smp = np.sin(m*phi) if source == 'internal': A_radius[..., num] = (n+1) * Pnm[n, m] * r_n * cmp A_radius[..., num+1] = (n+1) * Pnm[n, m] * r_n * smp else: A_radius[..., num] = -n * Pnm[n, m] * r_n * cmp A_radius[..., num+1] = -n * Pnm[n, m] * r_n * smp A_theta[..., num] = -Pnm[m, n+1] * r_n * cmp A_theta[..., num+1] = -Pnm[m, n+1] * r_n * smp # need special treatment at the poles because Pnm/sinth = 0/0 for # theta in {0., 180.}, # use L'Hopital's rule to take the limit: # lim Pnm/sinth = k*dPnm | theta in {0., 180} # (evaluated at poles, where k=1 for theta=0 and k=-1 for # theta=180.); k = costh = P[1, 0] at poles for convenience if poles: div_Pnm = np.where(where_poles, Pnm[m, n+1], Pnm[n, m]) div_Pnm[where_poles] *= Pnm[1, 0][where_poles] div_Pnm[~where_poles] /= sinth[~where_poles] else: div_Pnm = Pnm[n, m] / sinth A_phi[..., num] = m * div_Pnm * r_n * smp A_phi[..., num+1] = -m * div_Pnm * r_n * cmp num += 2 # update radial dependence given the source if source == 'internal': r_n = r_n / radius else: r_n = r_n * radius return A_radius, A_theta, A_phi
[docs]def legendre_poly(nmax, theta): """ Returns associated Legendre polynomials :math:`P_n^m(\\cos\\theta)` (Schmidt quasi-normalized) and the derivative :math:`dP_n^m(\\cos\\theta)/d\\theta` evaluated at :math:`\\theta`. Parameters ---------- nmax : int, positive Maximum degree of the spherical expansion. theta : ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` of arbitrary shape. Returns ------- Pnm : ndarray, shape (n, m, ...) Evaluated values and derivatives, grid shape is appended as trailing dimensions. :math:`P_n^m(\\cos\\theta)` := ``Pnm[n, m, ...]`` and :math:`dP_n^m(\\cos\\theta)/d\\theta` := ``Pnm[m, n+1, ...]`` References ---------- Based on Equations 26-29 and Table 2 in: Langel, R. A., "Geomagnetism - The main field", Academic Press, 1987, chapter 4 """ costh = np.cos(np.radians(theta)) sinth = np.sqrt(1-costh**2) Pnm = np.zeros((nmax+1, nmax+2) + costh.shape) Pnm[0, 0] = 1. # is copied into trailing dimensions Pnm[1, 1] = sinth # write theta into trailing dimenions via broadcasting rootn = np.sqrt(np.arange(2 * nmax**2 + 1)) # Recursion relations after Langel "The Main Field" (1987), # eq. (27) and Table 2 (p. 256) for m in range(nmax): Pnm_tmp = rootn[m+m+1] * Pnm[m, m] Pnm[m+1, m] = costh * Pnm_tmp if m > 0: Pnm[m+1, m+1] = sinth*Pnm_tmp / rootn[m+m+2] for n in range(m+2, nmax+1): d = n * n - m * m e = n + n - 1 Pnm[n, m] = ((e * costh * Pnm[n-1, m] - rootn[d-e] * Pnm[n-2, m]) / rootn[d]) # dP(n,m) = Pnm(m,n+1) is the derivative of P(n,m) vrt. theta Pnm[0, 2] = -Pnm[1, 1] Pnm[1, 2] = Pnm[1, 0] for n in range(2, nmax+1): Pnm[0, n+1] = -np.sqrt((n*n + n) / 2) * Pnm[n, 1] Pnm[1, n+1] = ((np.sqrt(2 * (n*n + n)) * Pnm[n, 0] - np.sqrt((n*n + n - 2)) * Pnm[n, 2]) / 2) for m in range(2, n): Pnm[m, n+1] = (0.5*(np.sqrt((n + m) * (n - m + 1)) * Pnm[n, m-1] - np.sqrt((n + m + 1) * (n - m)) * Pnm[n, m+1])) Pnm[n, n+1] = np.sqrt(2 * n) * Pnm[n, n-1] / 2 return Pnm
[docs]def power_spectrum(coeffs, radius=None, *, nmax=None, source=None, axis=None): """ Compute the spatial power spectrum. Parameters ---------- coeffs : ndarray, shape (..., N*(N+2)) Spherical harmonic coefficients for degree `N`. radius : float, optional Radius in kilometers (defaults to mean Earth's surface radius). It has no effect for ``source='toroidal'``. nmax : int, optional Maximum spherical degree (defaults to `N`). source : {'internal', 'external', 'toroidal'} Source of the field model (defaults to internal). axis : int, optional Axis of ``coeffs`` along which to compute the spatial power spectrum (defaults to -1, last dimension of ``coeffs``). Returns ------- W_n : ndarray, shape (..., ``nmax``) Power spectrum for degrees up to degree ``nmax`` Notes ----- The spatial power spectrum for a potential field is defined as .. math:: W_n(r) &= \\langle|\\mathbf{B}|^2\\rangle = \\frac{1}{4\\pi}\\iint_\\Omega |\\mathbf{B}|^2 \\mathrm{d} \\Omega \\\\ &= W_n^\\mathrm{i}(r) + W_n^\\mathrm{e}(r) + W_n^\\mathrm{T} where the internal :math:`W_n^\\mathrm{i}`, external :math:`W_n^\\mathrm{e}` and the non-potential toroidal :math:`W_n^\\mathrm{T}` spatial power spectra are .. math:: W_n^\\mathrm{i}(r) &= (n+1)\\left(\\frac{a}{r}\\right)^{2n+4} \\sum_{m=0}^n [(g_n^m)^2 + (h_n^m)^2] \\\\ W_n^\\mathrm{e}(r) &= n\\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right)^{2n-2}\\sum_{m=0}^n [(q_n^m)^2 + (s_n^m)^2] \\\\ W_n^\\mathrm{T} &= \\frac{n(n+1)}{2n+1}\\sum_{m=0}^n [(T_n^{m,c})^2 + (T_n^{m,s})^2] References ---------- Sabaka, T. J.; Hulot, G. & Olsen, N., "Mathematical properties relevant to geomagnetic field modeling", Handbook of geomathematics, Springer, 2010, 503-538 """ axis = -1 if axis is None else int(axis) if radius is None: r = 1 else: r = config_utils.basicConfig['params.r_surf'] / radius N = int(np.sqrt(coeffs.shape[axis] + 1) - 1) # maximum degree if nmax is None: nmax = N elif nmax > N: print(f'Incompatible maximum degree nmax = {nmax}, ' f'setting nmax to {N}.') nmax = N source = 'internal' if source is None else source if source == 'internal': def factor(n, r): return (n+1) * r**(2*n+4) elif source == 'external': def factor(n, r): return n * r**(-(2*n-2)) elif source == 'toroidal': def factor(n, _): return n*(n+1) / (2*n+1) else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown source. Use `internal`, `external` or `toroidal`.') shape = list(coeffs.shape) shape[axis] = nmax # replace dim of axis with nmax W_n = np.empty(shape) for n in range(1, nmax+1): min = n**2 - 1 max = min + (2*n + 1) slc1 = coeffs.ndim*[slice(None), ] # index for summation slc1[axis] = slice(min, max) slc2 = coeffs.ndim*[slice(None), ] # index for insertion into output slc2[axis] = n-1 W_n[tuple(slc2)] = factor(n, r)*np.sum(coeffs[tuple(slc1)]**2, axis=axis) return W_n
[docs]def degree_correlation(coeffs_1, coeffs_2): """ Correlation per spherical harmonic degree between two models 1 and 2. Parameters ---------- coeffs_1, coeffs_2 : ndarray, shape (N,) Two sets of coefficients of equal length `N`. Returns ------- C_n : ndarray, shape (nmax,) Degree correlation of the two models. There are `N = nmax(nmax+2)` coefficients. """ if coeffs_1.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f'Only 1-D input allowed ({coeffs_1.ndim} != 1)') if coeffs_2.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f'Only 1-D input allowed ({coeffs_2.ndim} != 1)') if coeffs_1.size != coeffs_2.size: raise ValueError( 'Number of coefficients must be the same ' '({0} != {1}).'.format(coeffs_1.size, coeffs_2.size)) nmax = int(np.sqrt(coeffs_1.size + 1) - 1) C_n = np.zeros((nmax,)) R_n = np.zeros((nmax,)) # elements are prop. to power spectrum of coeffs_1 S_n = np.zeros((nmax,)) # elements are prop. to power spectrum of coeffs_2 coeffs_12 = coeffs_1*coeffs_2 for n in range(1, nmax+1): min = n**2 - 1 max = min + (2*n + 1) R_n[n-1] = np.sum(coeffs_1[min:max]**2) S_n[n-1] = np.sum(coeffs_2[min:max]**2) C_n[n-1] = (np.sum(coeffs_12[min:max]) / np.sqrt(R_n[n-1]*S_n[n-1])) return C_n
[docs]def sensitivity(coeffs, coeffs_true): """ Sensitivity (degree normalized error) of the input coefficients with respect to the target/true coefficients. Parameters ---------- coeffs: ndarray, shape (N,) Input spherical harmonic coefficients. coeffs_true: ndarray, shape (N,) Target/true spherical harmonic coefficients. Returns ------- S: ndarray, shape (N,) Sensitivity of ``coeffs`` with respect to ``coeffs_true``. Examples -------- >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> import numpy as np >>> coeffs = np.array([1., 2., 5.]) # estimated degree 1 coefficients >>> coeffs_true = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) # target degree 1 coefficients >>> cp.model_utils.sensitivity(coeffs, coeffs_true) array([0., 0., 0.63245553]) """ if coeffs.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f'Only 1-D input allowed ({coeffs.ndim} != 1)') if coeffs_true.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f'Only 1-D input allowed ({coeffs_true.ndim} != 1)') if coeffs.size != coeffs_true.size: raise ValueError( 'Number of coefficients must be the same ' '({0} != {1}).'.format(coeffs.size, coeffs_true.size)) nmax = int(np.sqrt(coeffs.size + 1) - 1) S = coeffs - coeffs_true # apply degree-dependent scaling for n in range(1, nmax+1): min = n**2 - 1 max = min + (2*n + 1) S[min:max] *= 1. / np.sqrt(np.sum(coeffs_true[min:max]**2) / (2*n + 1)) return S