Source code for chaosmagpy.coordinate_utils

`chaosmagpy.coordinate_utils` provides functions related to coordinate
transformations. Typical coordinate reference frames and corresponding
abbreviations are listed in the following.


GEO : Geographic coordinate system (orthogonal)
    Geocentric coordinate system with the z-axis along Earth's rotation axis,
    x-axis pointing to Greenwich and y-axis completing the right-handed system.
    This is also referred to as the ECEF (Earth-centered Earth-fixed)
    coordinate system.
GG : Geodetic coordinate system (orthogonal).
    Earth is approximated by a spheroid (ellipsoid of revolution) with
    equatorial radius `a` and polar radius `b`, `b < a`. The numerical values
    of these radii are defined by the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84).
USE : Cartesian coordinate system on spherical surface.
    Axes directions are defined as Up-South-East at a point of interest on the
    spherical surface (e.g. B_radius, B_theta, B_phi in spherical geocentric
GSM : Geocentric Solar Magnetic coordinate system (orthogonal).
    With x-axis pointing towards the sun, y-axis perpendicular to plane spanned
    by Earth-Sun line and the dipole axis, z-axis completes right-handed
SM : Solar Magnetic coordinate system (orthogonal)
    With z-axis along dipole axis pointing to the geomagnetic north pole,
    y-axis perpendicular to plane containing the dipole axis and the Earth-Sun
    line, x-axis completes the right-handed system.
MAG : Magnetic coordinate system (centered dipole, orthogonal)
    With z-axis pointing to the geomagnetic north pole, x-axis in the plane
    spanned by the dipole axis and Earth's rotation axis, and y-axis completing
    the right-handed system.

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: functions



import numpy as np
import os
from math import factorial
from . import model_utils
from . import config_utils

ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

[docs]def igrf_dipole(epoch=None): """ Compute unit vector that is anti-parallel to the IGRF dipole. The vector points towards the geomagnetic north pole (located in the Northern Hemisphere). Parameters ---------- epoch : {'2015', '2010'}, optional Epoch of IGRF-12 (2015) and IGRF-11 (2010). Epoch 2015 of IGRF-12 is used by default. Returns ------- dipole : ndarray, shape (3,) Unit vector pointing to geomagnetic north pole (located in Northern Hemisphere). """ # default IGRF dipole epoch = '2015' if epoch is None else str(epoch) if epoch == '2015': # IGRF-12 dipole coefficients, epoch 2015: theta = 9.69, phi = 287.37 dipole = _dipole_to_unit(np.array([-29442.0, -1501.0, 4797.1])) elif epoch == '2010': # dipole as used in original chaos software (IGRF-11), epoch 2010 dipole = _dipole_to_unit(11.32, 289.59) else: raise ValueError('Only epoch "2010" (IGRF-11) and' '"2015" (IGRF-12) supported.') return dipole
def _dipole_to_unit(*args): """ Convert degree-1 SH coefficients or geomagnetic north pole position to unit vector. Parameters ---------- *args Takes ``theta``, ``phi`` in degrees, ``[g10, g11, h11]`` or ``g10``, ``g11``, ``h11`` as input. Returns ------- vector : ndarray, shape (3,) Unit vector pointing to geomagnetic north pole. """ if len(args) == 1: vector = np.roll(args[0], -1) # g11, h11, g10: dipole # unit vector, opposite to dipole vector = -vector/np.linalg.norm(vector) elif len(args) == 2: theta = np.radians(args[0]) phi = np.radians(args[1]) vector = np.array([np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi), np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta)]) elif len(args) == 3: vector = np.array([args[1], args[2], args[0]]) # g11, h11, g10: dipole # unit vector, opposite to dipole vector = -vector/np.linalg.norm(vector) else: raise ValueError('Only 1, 2 or 3 inputs accepted ' f'but {len(args)} given.') return vector
[docs]def synth_rotate_gauss(time, frequency, spectrum, scaled=None): """ Compute time-dependent matrices that transform spherical harmonic expansion from the given Fourier coefficients. The function computes matrices that transform the spherical harmonic expansion of a time-dependent reference system (e.g. GSM, SM) to GEO using Fourier expansion of the transformation coefficients. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) Time given as modified Julian date, i.e. with respect to the date 0h00 January 1, 2000 (mjd2000). frequency : ndarray, shape (k,) or (k, m, n) Vector of positive frequencies given in oscillations per day. spectrum : ndarray, shape (k, m, n) Fourier components of the matrices (reside in the last two dimensions). scaled : bool, optional (defaults to ``False``) If ``True``, the function expects `scaled` Fourier coefficients, i.e. the non-bias term (all non-zero frequency terms) have been multiplied by a factor of 2. Hence, taking the real part of the spectrum multiplied with the complex exponentials results in the correctly scaled and time-shifted real-valued harmonics. Returns ------- matrix : ndarray, shape (..., m, n) """ if scaled is None: scaled = False time = np.array(time[..., None, None, None], dtype=float) frequency = 2*np.pi*np.array(frequency, dtype=float) if frequency.ndim == 1: frequency.reshape(-1, 1, 1) spectrum = np.array(spectrum, dtype=complex) # output of shape (..., k, n, m) freq_t = frequency*time # compute complex exponentials harmonics = np.empty(freq_t.shape, dtype=complex) harmonics = np.cos(freq_t) + 1j*np.sin(freq_t) if scaled is False: # scale non-offset coefficients by 2 before synthesizing matrices harmonics = np.where(frequency > 0.0, 2*harmonics, harmonics) matrix = np.sum(spectrum*harmonics, axis=-3) return np.real(matrix)
[docs]def rotate_gauss_fft(nmax, kmax, *, qfunc=None, step=None, N=None, filter=None, save_to=None, reference=None, scaled=None, start_date=None): """ Compute Fourier coefficients of the timeseries of matrices that transform spherical harmonic expansions (degree ``kmax``) from a time-dependent reference system (GSM, SM) to GEO (degree ``nmax``). Parameters ---------- nmax : int Maximum degree of spherical harmonic expansion with respect to geographic reference (target reference system). kmax : int Maximum degree of spherical harmonic expansion with respect to rotated reference system. qfunc : callable Callable ``q = qfunc(freq, k)`` that returns the complex q-response ``q`` (ndarray, shape (``N``,)) given a frequency vector ``freq`` (ndarray, shape (``N``,)) in (1/sec) and the index ``k`` (int) counting the Gauss coefficients in natural order, i.e. ``k = 0`` is :math:`g_1^0`, ``k = 1`` is :math:`g_1^1`, ``k = 2`` is :math:`h_1^1` and so on. step : float Sample spacing given in hours (default is 1.0 hour). N : int, optional Number of samples for which to evaluate the FFT (default is N = 8*365.25*24 equiv. to 8 years using default sample spacing). filter : int, optional Set filter length, i.e. number of Fourier coefficients to be saved (default is ``int(N/2+1)``). save_to : str, optional Path and file name to store output in npz-format. Defaults to ``False``, i.e. no file is written. reference : {'gsm', 'sm'}, optional Time-dependent reference system (default is GSM). scaled : bool, optional (default is ``False``) If ``True``, the function returns `scaled` Fourier coefficients, i.e. the non-bias terms (all non-zero frequency terms) are multiplied by a factor of 2. Hence, taking the real part of the first half of the spectrum multiplied with the complex exponentials results in the correctly scaled and time-shifted real-valued harmonics. start_date : float, optional (defaults to ``0.0``, i.e. Jan 1, 2000) Time point from which to compute the time series of coefficient matrices in modified Julian date. Returns ------- frequency, spectrum, frequency_ind, spectrum_ind : ndarray, \ shape (``filter``, ``nmax`` (``nmax`` + 2), ``kmax`` (``kmax`` + 2)) Unsorted vector of positive frequencies in 1/days and complex fourier spectrum of rotation matrices to transform spherical harmonic expansions. Notes ----- If ``save_to=<filepath>``, then an ``*.npz``-file is written with the keywords {'frequency', 'spectrum', 'frequency_ind', 'spectrum_ind', ...} and all the possible keywords. Among them, ``'dipole'`` means the three spherical harmonic coefficients of the dipole set in ``basicConfig['params.dipole']``. About the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) used here: A discrete periodic signal :math:`x[n]` with :math:`n\\in [0, N-1]` (period of `N`) is represented in terms of complex-exponentials as .. math:: x[n] = \\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}X[k]w_N^{kn}, \\qquad w_N = \\exp(i 2\\pi/N) Here, :math:`X[k]`, :math:`k\\in [0, N-1]` is the Fourier transform of :math:`x[n]`. The DFT is defined as: .. math:: X[k] = \\frac{1}{N}\\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}x[n]w_N^{-kn} In ``numpy``, this operation is implemented with .. code-block:: python import numpy as np X = np.fft.fft(x) / N Finally, if ``save_to`` is given, only half of the Fourier coefficients ``X[0:int(N/2)+1]`` (right-exclusive) are saved (or less if ``filter`` is specified). """ if reference is None: reference = 'gsm' if step is None: step = 1.0 # sample spacing of one hour if N is None: N = int(8*365.25*24) # number of samples N = int(N) if filter is None: # number of significant Fourier components to be saved filter = int(N/2 + 1) filter = int(filter) if save_to is None: save_to = False # do not write output file if scaled is None: scaled = False if start_date is None: start_date = 0.0 time = np.arange(N) * step / 24. + start_date # time in days # compute base vectors of time-dependent reference system if str(reference).lower() == 'gsm': base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_gsm(time) elif str(reference).lower() == 'sm': base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_sm(time) else: raise ValueError('Reference system must be either "GSM" or "SM".') # predefine output matrices, last dimension runs through time matrix_time = np.empty((N, nmax*(nmax+2), kmax*(kmax+2))) print("Calculating Gauss rotation matrices for {:}".format( reference.upper())) for k in range(N): # compute transformation matrix: reference to geographic system matrix_time[k] = rotate_gauss( nmax, kmax, base_1[k], base_2[k], base_3[k]) print("Finished {:.1f}%".format((k+1)/N*100), end='\r') print("") # DFT and proper scaling spectrum_full = np.fft.fft(matrix_time, axis=0) / N spectrum_full = spectrum_full[:int(N/2+1)] # remove aliases # oscillations per second frequency_full = (np.arange(int(N/2+1)) / N) / step / 3600 if qfunc is None: # compute q-response and keep in memory q = q_response(frequency_full, nmax) # now define qfunc here def qfunc(freq, k): # index of degree in response n = np.floor(np.sqrt(k+1)-1).astype(int) return q[n] # predefine output arrays frequency = np.empty((filter, nmax*(nmax+2), kmax*(kmax+2))) frequency_ind = np.empty((filter, nmax*(nmax+2), kmax*(kmax+2))) spectrum = np.empty((filter, nmax*(nmax+2), kmax*(kmax+2)), dtype=complex) spectrum_ind = np.empty((filter, nmax*(nmax+2), kmax*(kmax+2)), dtype=complex) for k in range(nmax*(nmax+2)): # compute Q-response for freqencies and given Gauss coefficient response = qfunc(frequency_full, k) for ll in range(kmax*(kmax+2)): # select specific Fourier coefficients from the rotation matrix element = spectrum_full[:, k, ll] # modify Fourier components with Q-response element_ind = response*element # index of sorted element spectrum (descending order) sort = np.argsort(np.abs(element))[::-1] sort = sort[:filter] # only keep small number of components # index of sorted element spectrum (descending order) sort_ind = np.argsort(np.abs(element_ind))[::-1] sort_ind = sort_ind[:filter] # only keep small number # write sorted frequency (per day) and fourier components to array frequency[:, k, ll] = frequency_full[sort] * (24*3600) frequency_ind[:, k, ll] = frequency_full[sort_ind] * (24*3600) spectrum[:, k, ll] = element[sort] spectrum_ind[:, k, ll] = element_ind[sort_ind] if scaled: # scale non-offset coefficients by 2 spectrum = np.where(frequency == 0.0, spectrum, 2*spectrum) spectrum_ind = np.where(frequency_ind == 0.0, spectrum_ind, 2*spectrum_ind) # save several arrays to binary if save_to: np.savez(str(save_to), frequency=frequency, spectrum=spectrum, frequency_ind=frequency_ind, spectrum_ind=spectrum_ind, step=step, N=N, filter=filter, reference=reference, scaled=scaled, dipole=config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole'], start_date=start_date) print("Output saved to {:}".format(save_to)) return frequency, spectrum, frequency_ind, spectrum_ind
[docs]def rotate_gauss(nmax, kmax, base_1, base_2, base_3): """ Compute matrices for the coordinate transformation of spherical harmonic expansions. Transform the spherical harmonic expansion in terms of rotated geocentric spherical coordinates (e.g. GSM) to the spherical harmonic expansion in terms of the standard geographic coordinate system (GEO). The rotated coordinate system is described by 3 orthogonal base vectors with components in GEO coordinates. Parameters ---------- nmax : int Maximum degree of spherical harmonic expansion with respect to geographic reference (target reference system). kmax : int Maximum degree of spherical harmonic expansion with respect to rotated reference system. base_1, base_2, base_3 : ndarray, shape (..., 3) Base vectors of rotated reference system given in terms of the target reference system. Vectors reside in the last dimension. The base vectors are needed for the coordinate transformation. Returns ------- matrix : ndarray, shape (..., ``nmax`` (``nmax`` + 2), ``kmax`` \ (``kmax`` + 2)) Matrices reside in last two dimensions. They transform spherical harmonic coefficients of rotated reference (e.g. GSM) to standard geographic reference (GEO): [g10 g11 h11 ...]_geo = M * [g10 g11 h11 ...]_gsm """ assert (base_1.shape == base_2.shape) and (base_1.shape == base_3.shape) time_shape = base_1.shape[:-1] # retain original shape of grid # predefine output array matrix_time = np.empty(time_shape + (nmax**2+2*nmax, kmax**2+2*kmax)) # define Gauss-Legendre grid for surface integration n_theta = int((nmax + kmax + 1)/2) + 1 # number of points in colatitude n_phi = 2*n_theta # number of points in azimuth # integrates polynomials of degree 2*n_theta-1 exactly x, weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(n_theta) theta = np.degrees(np.arccos(x)) phi = np.arange(n_phi) * np.degrees(2*np.pi)/n_phi # compute Schmidt quasi-normalized associated Legendre functions and # corresponding normalization Pnm = model_utils.legendre_poly(nmax, theta) n_Pnm = int((nmax**2+3*nmax)/2) norm = np.empty((n_Pnm,)) for n in range(1, nmax+1): lower = int((n**2+n)/2-1) upper = int((n**2+3*n)/2) norm[lower] = 2/(2*n+1) # inner product of Pn0 norm[lower+1:upper] = 4/(2*n+1) # inner product of Pnm m>0 # generate grid of rotated reference system phi_grid, theta_grid = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) # run over time index and produce matrix for every point in time for index in np.ndindex(time_shape): # predefine array size for each point in time matrix = np.empty((nmax*(nmax+2), kmax*(kmax+2))) theta_ref, phi_ref = geo_to_base( theta_grid, phi_grid, base_1[index], base_2[index], base_3[index]) # compute Schmidt quasi-normalized associated Legendre functions on # grid in rotated reference system: theta_ref, phi_ref Pnm_ref = model_utils.legendre_poly(kmax, theta_ref) # compute powers of complex exponentials nphi_ref = np.radians(np.multiply.outer(np.arange(kmax+1), phi_ref)) exp_ref = np.cos(nphi_ref) + 1j*np.sin(nphi_ref) # loop over columns of matrix col = 0 # index of column for k in range(1, kmax+1): # l = 0 sh_ref = Pnm_ref[k, 0]*exp_ref[0] # cplx spherical harmonic fft_c = np.fft.fft(sh_ref.real) / n_phi # only real part non-zero # SH analysis: write column of matrix, row by row row = 0 # index of row for n in range(1, nmax+1): lower = int((n**2+n)/2-1) # index for Pnm norm # m = 0: colatitude integration using Gauss weights coeff = np.sum(fft_c[:, 0]*Pnm[n, 0]*weights) / norm[lower] matrix[row, col] = coeff.real row += 1 # m > 0 for m in range(1, n+1): coeff = (np.sum(2*fft_c[:, m]*Pnm[n, m]*weights) / norm[lower+m]) matrix[row, col] = coeff.real matrix[row+1, col] = -coeff.imag row += 2 col += 1 # update index of column # l > 0 for ll in range(1, k+1): sh_ref = Pnm_ref[k, ll]*exp_ref[ll] fft_c = np.fft.fft(sh_ref.real) / n_phi fft_s = np.fft.fft(sh_ref.imag) / n_phi # SH analysis: write column of R, row by row row = 0 # index of row for n in range(1, nmax+1): lower = int((n**2+n) / 2-1) # index for Pnm norm # cosine part coeff = np.sum(fft_c[:, 0]*Pnm[n, 0]*weights)/norm[lower] matrix[row, col] = coeff.real # sine part coeff = np.sum(fft_s[:, 0]*Pnm[n, 0]*weights)/norm[lower] matrix[row, col+1] = coeff.real row += 1 # update row index # m > 0 for m in range(1, n+1): # cosine part coeff = (np.sum(2*fft_c[:, m]*Pnm[n, m]*weights) / norm[lower+m]) matrix[row, col] = coeff.real matrix[row+1, col] = -coeff.imag # sine part coeff = (np.sum(2*fft_s[:, m]*Pnm[n, m]*weights) / norm[lower+m]) matrix[row, col+1] = coeff.real matrix[row+1, col+1] = -coeff.imag row += 2 # update row index col += 2 # update column index matrix_time[index] = matrix # write rotation matrix into output return matrix_time
[docs]def sh_analysis(func, nmax, kmax=None): """ Perform a spherical harmonic expansion of a function defined on a spherical surface. Parameters ---------- func: callable Function takes two inputs: colatitude in degrees and longitude in degrees. The function must accept 2-D arrays and preserve shapes. nmax: int Maximum spherical harmonic degree of the expansion. kmax: int, optional, greater than or equal to nmax Maximum spherical harmonic degree needed to resolve the output of ``func``. This basically increases the number of points in colatitude, which improves the accuracy of the numerical integration (defaults to ``nmax``). Ignored if ``kmax < nmax``. Returns ------- coeffs: ndarray, shape (nmax*(nmax+2),) Coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion. Examples -------- First, a straight forward example using the spherical harmonic :math:`Y_1^1`: >>> import chaosmagpy as cp >>> import numpy as np >>> # >>> def func(theta, phi): >>> n, m = 1, 1 >>> Pnm = cp.model_utils.legendre_poly(n, theta) >>> if m >= 0: >>> return np.cos(m*np.radians(phi))*Pnm[n, m] >>> else: >>> return np.sin(abs(m)*np.radians(phi))*Pnm[n, abs(m)] >>> cp.coordinate_utils.sh_analysis(func, nmax=1) array([0.0000000e+00, 1.0000000e+00, 1.2246468e-16]) Now, an example where the numerical integration is not sufficiently accurate: >>> def func(theta, phi): >>> n, m = 7, 0 # increased degree to n=7 >>> Pnm = cp.model_utils.legendre_poly(n, theta) >>> return Pnm[n, m] >>> cp.coordinate_utils.sh_analysis(func, nmax=1) array([0.55555556, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00]) # g10 is wrong But, by setting ``kmax=7`` and, thus, increasing the number of integration points: >>> cp.coordinate_utils.sh_analysis(func, nmax=1, kmax=7) array([-1.14491749e-16, 0.00000000e+00, -0.00000000e+00]) """ kmax = nmax if kmax is None else int(kmax) # define Gauss-Legendre grid for surface integration, # quadrature integrates polynomials of degree (2*n_theta - 1) exactly, # here the integrands are Pnm(x)*Pkl(x), hence of degree = 2nmax n_theta = max(nmax, kmax) + 1 # number of points in colatitude n_phi = 2*n_theta # number of points in azimuth x, weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(n_theta) theta = np.degrees(np.arccos(x)) phi = np.arange(n_phi) * np.degrees(2*np.pi)/n_phi # compute Schmidt quasi-normalized associated Legendre functions Pnm = model_utils.legendre_poly(nmax, theta) # generate surface grid: [0., 360.] x [0., 180.] theta_grid, phi_grid = np.meshgrid(theta, phi) # predefine array coeffs = np.zeros((nmax*(nmax+2),), dtype=float) # evaluate function at grid points F = func(theta_grid, phi_grid) fft = np.fft.fft(F, axis=0) / n_phi row = 0 # index of row for n in range(1, nmax+1): norm = 2. / (2*n + 1) # inner product of Pnm's # m = 0 c = np.sum(fft[0]*Pnm[n, 0]*weights) / norm coeffs[row] = c.real row += 1 # m > 0 for m in range(1, n+1): c = np.sum(fft[m]*Pnm[n, m]*weights) / norm coeffs[row] = c.real coeffs[row + 1] = -c.imag row += 2 # update row index return coeffs
[docs]def sun_position(time): """ Computes the sun's position in longitude and colatitude at a given time (mjd2000). It is accurate for years 1901 through 2099, to within 0.006 deg. Input shape is preserved. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) Time given as modified Julian date, i.e. with respect to the date 0h00 January 1, 2000 (mjd2000). Returns ------- theta : ndarray, shape (...) Geographic colatitude of sun's position in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Geographic east longitude of sun's position in degrees :math:`(-180^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. References ---------- Taken from `here < Geophysical%20Coordinate%20Transformations.htm#appendix2>`_ """ rad = np.pi / 180 year = 2000 # reference year for mjd2000 assert np.all((year + time // 365.25) < 2099) \ and np.all((year - time // 365.25) > 1901), \ ("Time must be between 1901 and 2099.") frac_day = np.remainder(time, 1) # decimal fraction of a day julian_date = 365 * (year-1900) + (year-1901)//4 + time + 0.5 t = julian_date/36525 v = np.remainder(279.696678 + 0.9856473354*julian_date, 360.) g = np.remainder(358.475845 + 0.985600267*julian_date, 360.) slong = v + (1.91946 - 0.004789*t)*np.sin(g*rad) + 0.020094*np.sin(2*g*rad) obliq = (23.45229 - 0.0130125*t) slp = (slong - 0.005686) sind = np.sin(obliq*rad)*np.sin(slp*rad) cosd = np.sqrt(1.-sind**2) # sun's declination in radians declination = np.arctan(sind/cosd) # sun's right right ascension in radians (0, 2*pi) right_ascension = np.pi - np.arctan2(sind/(cosd * np.tan(obliq*rad)), -np.cos(slp*rad)/cosd) # Greenwich mean siderial time in radians (0, 2*pi) gmst = np.remainder(279.690983 + 0.9856473354*julian_date + 360.*frac_day + 180., 360.) * rad theta = np.degrees(np.pi/2 - declination) # convert to colatitude phi = center_azimuth(np.degrees(right_ascension - gmst)) return theta, phi
[docs]def zenith_angle(time, theta, phi): """ Compute the solar zenith angle. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray, shape (...) Time in modified Julian date. theta : ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude in degrees. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Longitude in degrees. Returns ------- zeta : ndarray, shape (...) Zenith angle in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` (angle between the local zenith and the center of the solar disc). Solar elevation angle is then computed by :math:`90^\\circ - \\theta_\\mathrm{zenith}`. """ theta_sun, phi_sun = sun_position(time) colat = np.radians(theta_sun) azim = np.radians(phi_sun) theta = np.radians(theta) phi = np.radians(phi) cos_zeta = (np.cos(theta)*np.cos(colat) + np.sin(theta)*np.sin(colat)*np.cos(azim - phi)) return np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_zeta))
[docs]def spherical_to_cartesian(radius, theta, phi): """ Convert spherical to cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- radius : float or ndarray, shape (...) Radius. theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude in degrees. phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Longitude in degrees. Returns ------- x, y, z : float or ndarray, shape(...) Cartesian coordinates. """ theta, phi = np.radians(theta), np.radians(phi) x = np.array(radius) * np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) y = np.array(radius) * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) z = np.array(radius) * np.cos(theta) return x, y, z
[docs]def cartesian_to_spherical(x, y, z): """ Convert geocentric cartesian to spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : float or ndarray, shape (...) Returns ------- radius : float or ndarray, shape (...) Radius. theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Longitude in degrees :math:`(-180^\\circ,180^\\circ]`. """ radius = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2), z) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) return radius, np.degrees(theta), np.degrees(phi)
[docs]def gg_to_geo(height, beta): """ Compute geocentric colatitude and radius from geodetic colatitude and vertical height above the ellipsoid as defined by the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84). The equatorial and polar radius of the ellipsoid that approximates Earth's surface are stored in ``chaosmagpy.basicConfig['params.ellipsoid']``. Parameters ---------- height : ndarray, shape (...) Altitude in kilometers. beta : ndarray, shape (...) Geodetic colatitude Returns ------- radius : ndarray, shape (...) Geocentric radius in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) Geocentric colatitude in degrees. References ---------- Equations (51)-(53) from "The main field" (chapter 4) by Langel, R. A. in: "Geomagnetism", Volume 1, Jacobs, J. A., Academic Press, 1987. """ a = config_utils.basicConfig['params.ellipsoid'][0] # equatorial radius b = config_utils.basicConfig['params.ellipsoid'][1] # polar radius # convert geodetic colatitude to latitude alpha = np.radians(90. - beta) sin_alpha_2 = np.sin(alpha)**2 cos_alpha_2 = np.cos(alpha)**2 factor = height*np.sqrt(a**2*cos_alpha_2 + b**2*sin_alpha_2) gamma = np.arctan2((factor + b**2)*np.tan(alpha), (factor + a**2)) theta = 90. - np.degrees(gamma) radius = np.sqrt(height**2 + 2*factor + a**2*(1. - (1. - (b/a)**4)*sin_alpha_2) / (1. - (1. - (b/a)**2)*sin_alpha_2)) return radius, theta
[docs]def geo_to_gg(radius, theta): """ Compute geodetic colatitude and vertical height above the ellipsoid as defined by the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) from geocentric radius and colatitude. Parameters ---------- radius : ndarray, shape (...) Geocentric radius in kilometers. theta : ndarray, shape (...) Geocentric colatitude in degrees. Returns ------- height : ndarray, shape (...) Altitude in kilometers. beta : ndarray, shape (...) Geodetic colatitude in degrees. Notes ----- Round-off errors might lead to a failure of the algorithm especially but not exclusively for points close to the geographic poles. Corresponding geodetic coordinates are returned as NaN. References ---------- Function uses Heikkinen's algorithm taken from: Zhu, J., "Conversion of Earth-centered Earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic coordinates", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 1994, vol. 30, num. 3, pp. 957-961 """ a = config_utils.basicConfig['params.ellipsoid'][0] # equatorial radius b = config_utils.basicConfig['params.ellipsoid'][1] # polar radius a2 = a**2 b2 = b**2 e2 = (a2 - b2) / a2 # squared eccentricity e4 = e2*e2 ep2 = (a2 - b2) / b2 # squared primed eccentricity r = radius * np.sin(np.radians(theta)) z = radius * np.cos(np.radians(theta)) r2 = r**2 z2 = z**2 F = 54*b2*z2 G = r2 + (1. - e2)*z2 - e2*(a2 - b2) c = e4*F*r2 / G**3 s = (1. + c + np.sqrt(c**2 + 2*c))**(1./3) P = F / (3*(s + 1./s + 1.)**2 * G**2) Q = np.sqrt(1. + 2*e4*P) r0 = -P*e2*r / (1. + Q) + np.sqrt( 0.5*a2*(1. + 1./Q) - P*(1. - e2)*z2 / (Q*(1. + Q)) - 0.5*P*r2) U = np.sqrt((r - e2*r0)**2 + z2) V = np.sqrt((r - e2*r0)**2 + (1. - e2)*z2) z0 = b2*z/(a*V) height = U*(1. - b2 / (a*V)) beta = 90. - np.degrees(np.arctan2(z + ep2*z0, r)) return height, beta
[docs]def basevectors_gsm(time, dipole=None): """ Compute the unit base vectors of the GSM coordinate system with respect to the standard geographic coordinate system (GEO). Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (...) Time given as modified Julian date, i.e. with respect to the date 0h00 January 1, 2000 (mjd2000). dipole : ndarray, shape (3,), optional Dipole spherical harmonics :math:`g_1^0`, :math:`g_1^1` and :math:`h_1^1`. Defaults to ``basicConfig['params.dipole']``. Returns ------- gsm_1, gsm_2, gsm_3 : ndarray, shape (..., 3) GSM unit base vectors. The leading dimension agrees with the shape of ``time``, while the last dimension contains the unit vector components in terms of GEO. """ if dipole is None: dipole = config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole'] vec = _dipole_to_unit(dipole) # get sun's position at specified times theta_sun, phi_sun = sun_position(time) # compute sun's position x_sun, y_sun, z_sun = spherical_to_cartesian(1, theta_sun, phi_sun) # create array in which the first unit vector resides in last dimension gsm_1 = np.empty(x_sun.shape + (3,)) gsm_1[..., 0] = x_sun gsm_1[..., 1] = y_sun gsm_1[..., 2] = z_sun # compute second base vector of GSM using the cross product of the # dipole unit vector with the first unit base vector gsm_2 = np.cross(vec, gsm_1) # over last dimension by default norm_gsm_2 = np.linalg.norm(gsm_2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) gsm_2 = gsm_2 / norm_gsm_2 # compute third unit base vector using the cross product of first and # second unit base vector gsm_3 = np.cross(gsm_1, gsm_2) return gsm_1, gsm_2, gsm_3
[docs]def basevectors_sm(time, dipole=None): """ Computes the unit base vectors of the SM coordinate system with respect to the standard geographic coordinate system (GEO). Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (...) Time given as modified Julian date, i.e. with respect to the date 0h00 January 1, 2000 (mjd2000). dipole : ndarray, shape (3,), optional Dipole spherical harmonics :math:`g_1^0`, :math:`g_1^1` and :math:`h_1^1`. Defaults to ``basicConfig['params.dipole']``. Returns ------- sm_1, sm_2, sm_3 : ndarray, shape (..., 3) SM unit base vectors. The leading dimension agrees with the shape of ``time``, while the last dimension contains the unit vector components in terms of GEO. """ if dipole is None: dipole = config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole'] vec = _dipole_to_unit(dipole) # get sun's position at specified times and convert to cartesian theta_sun, phi_sun = sun_position(time) x_sun, y_sun, z_sun = spherical_to_cartesian(1, theta_sun, phi_sun) # create array in which the sun's vector resides in last dimension s = np.empty(x_sun.shape + (3,)) s[..., 0] = x_sun s[..., 1] = y_sun s[..., 2] = z_sun # set third unit base vector of SM to dipole unit vector sm_3 = np.empty(x_sun.shape + (3,)) sm_3[..., 0] = vec[0] sm_3[..., 1] = vec[1] sm_3[..., 2] = vec[2] # compute second base vector of SM using the cross product of the IGRF # dipole unit vector and the sun direction vector sm_2 = np.cross(sm_3, s) norm_sm_2 = np.linalg.norm(sm_2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) sm_2 = sm_2 / norm_sm_2 # compute third unit base vector using the cross product of second and # third unit base vector sm_1 = np.cross(sm_2, sm_3) return sm_1, sm_2, sm_3
[docs]def basevectors_mag(dipole=None): """ Computes the unit base vectors of the central-dipole coordinate system (sometimes referred to as MAG) with respect to the standard geographic coordinate system (GEO). Parameters ---------- dipole : ndarray, shape (3,), optional Dipole spherical harmonics :math:`g_1^0`, :math:`g_1^1` and :math:`h_1^1`. Defaults to ``basicConfig['params.dipole']``. Returns ------- mag_1, mag_2, mag_3 : ndarray, shape (3,) MAG unit base vectors resolved into components in GEO. """ if dipole is None: dipole = config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole'] mag_3 = _dipole_to_unit(dipole) mag_2 = np.cross(np.array([0., 0., 1.]), mag_3) mag_2 = mag_2 / np.linalg.norm(mag_2) mag_1 = np.cross(mag_2, mag_3) return mag_1, mag_2, mag_3
[docs]def basevectors_use(theta, phi): """ Computes the unit base vectors of local orthogonal coordinate system USE (Up-South-East) on the spherical surface (theta, phi) with respect to the standard geographic coordinate system (GEO). Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray, shape (...) Geocentric colatitude in degrees :math:`(0^\\circ, 180^\\circ)`, i.e. exclude poles. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Geocentric longitude in degrees. Returns ------- use_1, use_2, use_3 : ndarray, shape (..., 3) USE unit base vectors. The leading dimension agrees with the shape of ``theta`` or ``phi``, while the last dimension contains the unit vector components in terms of GEO. """ theta = np.array(np.radians(theta)) phi = np.array(np.radians(phi)) if (np.amin(theta) == 0.) or (np.amax(theta) == np.pi): raise ValueError("Basevectors are not defined at poles.") grid_shape = max(theta.shape, phi.shape) # predefine output, the components of the base vectors in the last # dimensions: shape (..., 3, 3) use_1 = np.empty(grid_shape + (3,)) use_2 = np.empty(grid_shape + (3,)) use_3 = np.empty(grid_shape + (3,)) # calculate and save sin/cos of angles sin_phi = np.sin(phi) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) cos_phi = np.cos(phi) cos_theta = np.cos(theta) # first base vector (Up) use_1[..., 0] = sin_theta*cos_phi use_1[..., 1] = sin_theta*sin_phi use_1[..., 2] = cos_theta # second base vector (South) use_2[..., 0] = cos_theta*cos_phi use_2[..., 1] = cos_theta*sin_phi use_2[..., 2] = -sin_theta # third base vector (East) use_3[..., 0] = -sin_phi use_3[..., 1] = cos_phi use_3[..., 2] = 0 return use_1, use_2, use_3
[docs]def geo_to_base(theta, phi, base_1, base_2, base_3, inverse=None): """ Transform spherical geographic coordinates into spherical coordinates of a rotated geocentric coordinate system as given by three base vectors. Parameters ---------- theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic colatitude in degrees. phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic longitude in degrees. base_1, base_2, base_3 : ndarray, shape (3,) or (..., 3) Base vector 1 through 3 resolved into components with respect to GEO. inverse : bool, optional Use inverse transformation instead, i.e. transform from rotated to geographic (default is False). Returns ------- theta : ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` of the rotated coordinate system. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Longitude in degrees :math:`(-180^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` of the rotated coordinate system. See Also -------- transform_points """ inverse = False if inverse is None else inverse # convert spherical to cartesian (radius = 1) coordinates x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(1, theta, phi) if inverse: # components of unit base vectors are the columns of inverse matrix x_ref = base_1[..., 0]*x + base_2[..., 0]*y + base_3[..., 0]*z y_ref = base_1[..., 1]*x + base_2[..., 1]*y + base_3[..., 1]*z z_ref = base_1[..., 2]*x + base_2[..., 2]*y + base_3[..., 2]*z else: # components of unit base vectors are the rows of the rotation matrix x_ref = base_1[..., 0]*x + base_1[..., 1]*y + base_1[..., 2]*z y_ref = base_2[..., 0]*x + base_2[..., 1]*y + base_2[..., 2]*z z_ref = base_3[..., 0]*x + base_3[..., 1]*y + base_3[..., 2]*z # convert to spherical coordinates, discard radius as it is 1. _, theta_ref, phi_ref = cartesian_to_spherical(x_ref, y_ref, z_ref) return theta_ref, phi_ref
[docs]def transform_points(theta, phi, time=None, *, reference=None, inverse=None, dipole=None): """ Transform spherical geographic coordinates (GEO) into spherical coordinates of a rotated geocentric coordinate system. Parameters ---------- theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic colatitude in degrees (GEO). phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic longitude in degrees (GEO). time : float or ndarray, shape (...) Time given as modified Julian date, i.e. with respect to the date 0h00 January 1, 2000 (mjd2000). Ignored for ``reference='mag'``. reference : {'gsm', 'sm', 'mag'} Target coordinate system. inverse : bool Use inverse transformation instead, i.e. transform from the rotated geocentric coordinates to GEO (default is False). dipole : ndarray, shape (3,), optional Dipole spherical harmonics :math:`g_1^0`, :math:`g_1^1` and :math:`h_1^1`. Defaults to ``basicConfig['params.dipole']``. Returns ------- theta : ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` of the rotated geocentric coordinate system. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Longitude in degrees :math:`(-180^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` of the rotated geocentric coordinate system. See Also -------- geo_to_base """ reference = str(reference).lower() inverse = False if inverse is None else inverse if dipole is None: dipole = config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole'] if reference == 'gsm': # compute GSM base vectors base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_gsm(time, dipole=dipole) elif reference == 'sm': # compute SM base vectors base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_sm(time, dipole=dipole) elif reference == 'mag': # compute centered dipole base vectors base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_mag() else: raise ValueError('Unknown target reference system. Use one of ' '{"gsm", "sm", "mag"}.') if inverse: theta_base, phi_base = geo_to_base( theta, phi, base_1, base_2, base_3, inverse=True) else: theta_base, phi_base = geo_to_base(theta, phi, base_1, base_2, base_3) return theta_base, phi_base
[docs]def matrix_geo_to_base(theta, phi, base_1, base_2, base_3, inverse=None): """ Compute matrices to trasnform vector components from USE frame at given spherical geographic coordinates into components with respect to a rotated geocentric coordinate system. Parameters ---------- theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic colatitude in degrees (GEO). phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic longitude in degrees (GEO). base_1, base_2, base_3 : ndarray, shape (..., 3) Base vectors 1 through 3 as columns with respect to GEO. inverse : bool Use inverse transformation instead, i.e. transform from rotated coordinates to geographic (default is False). Returns ------- theta : ndarray, shape (...) Reference colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Reference longitude in degrees :math:`(-180^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. R : ndarray, shape (..., 3, 3), optional Array of matrices that rotates vectors B in spherical GEO to the target spherical reference. The matrices (3x3) reside in the last two dimensions, while the leading dimensions are identical to the input grid. | B_radius_ref = B_radius | B_theta_ref = R[1, 1]*B_theta + R[1, 2]*B_phi | B_phi_ref = R[2, 1]*B_theta + R[2, 2]*B_phi See Also -------- transform_vectors """ inverse = False if inverse is None else inverse if inverse: theta_ref, phi_ref = theta, phi theta, phi = geo_to_base(theta_ref, phi_ref, base_1, base_2, base_3, inverse=True) else: theta_ref, phi_ref = geo_to_base(theta, phi, base_1, base_2, base_3) # matrix to rotate vector from USE at (theta, phi) to GEO R_use_to_geo = np.stack(basevectors_use(theta, phi), axis=-1) # rotate vector according to reference system defined by base vectors R_geo_to_ref = np.stack((base_1, base_2, base_3), axis=-2) # matrix to rotate vector from original USE to reference system R_use_to_ref = np.matmul(R_geo_to_ref, R_use_to_geo) # matrix to rotate reference to new USE using the transpose R_ref_to_use = np.stack(basevectors_use(theta_ref, phi_ref), axis=-2) # complete rotation matrix: spherical GEO to spherical reference R = np.matmul(R_ref_to_use, R_use_to_ref) if inverse: R = np.swapaxes(R, -2, -1) # transpose matrices theta_ref, phi_ref = theta, phi # overwrite for correct output return theta_ref, phi_ref, R
[docs]def transform_vectors(theta, phi, B_theta, B_phi, time=None, reference=None, inverse=None, dipole=None): """ Transform vectors resolved into components in USE (Up-South-East) at given spherical geographic coordinates (GEO) to components in USE into components with respect to a rotated geocentric coordinate system. Parameters ---------- theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic colatitude in degrees (GEO). phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Geographic longitude in degrees (GEO). B_theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude vector components (GEO). B_phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Azimuthal vector components (GEO). time : float or ndarray, shape (...) Time given as modified Julian date, i.e. with respect to the date 0h00 January 1, 2000 (mjd2000). Ignored for ``reference='mag'``. reference : {'gsm', 'sm', 'mag'} Target coordinate system. inverse : bool Use inverse transformation instead, i.e. transform from rotated coordinates to geographic (default is False). dipole : ndarray, shape (3,), optional Dipole spherical harmonics :math:`g_1^0`, :math:`g_1^1` and :math:`h_1^1`. Defaults to ``basicConfig['params.dipole']``. Returns ------- theta : ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude in degrees :math:`[0^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` of the rotated geocentric coordinate system. phi : ndarray, shape (...) Longitude in degrees :math:`(-180^\\circ, 180^\\circ]` of the rotated geocentric coordinate system. B_theta : float or ndarray, shape (...) Colatitude vector components with respect to the rotated geocentric coordinate system. B_phi : float or ndarray, shape (...) Azimuthal vector components with respect to the rotated geocentric coordinate system. See Also -------- matrix_geo_to_base """ inverse = False if inverse is None else inverse reference = str(reference).lower() if dipole is None: dipole = config_utils.basicConfig['params.dipole'] if reference == 'gsm': # compute GSM base vectors base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_gsm(time, dipole=dipole) elif reference == 'sm': # compute SM base vectors base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_sm(time, dipole=dipole) elif reference == 'mag': # compute centered dipole base vectors base_1, base_2, base_3 = basevectors_mag() else: raise ValueError('Unknown target reference system. Use one of ' '{"gsm", "sm", "mag"}.') theta_ref, phi_ref, R = matrix_geo_to_base( theta, phi, base_1, base_2, base_3, inverse=inverse) B_theta_ref = R[..., 1, 1]*B_theta + R[..., 1, 2]*B_phi B_phi_ref = R[..., 2, 1]*B_theta + R[..., 2, 2]*B_phi return theta_ref, phi_ref, B_theta_ref, B_phi_ref
[docs]def center_azimuth(phi): """ Project azimuth angles in degrees to the semi-open interval :math:`(-180^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. Parameters ---------- phi : ndarray, float Azimuth in degrees. Returns ------- phi : ndarray, float Azimuth in degrees on the semi-open interval :math:`(-180^\\circ, 180^\\circ]`. """ phi = phi % 360. try: # works for ndarray phi = np.where(phi > 180., phi - 360., phi) # centered around prime except TypeError: # catch error if float phi += -360. if phi > 180. else 0. return phi
[docs]def local_time(time, phi): """ Compute local time from the azimuthal distance to prime meridian. Parameters ---------- time : float, ndarray Time given as modified Julian date. phi : float, ndarray Azimuth in degrees. Returns ------- local : ndarray Local time [0, 24). """ return np.remainder(time + phi/360, 1)*24
[docs]def q_response_1D(periods, sigma, radius, n, kind=None): """ Compute the response for a spherically layered conductor in an inducing external field of a single spherical harmonic degree. Parameters ---------- periods : ndarray or float, shape (m,) Oscillation period of the inducing field in seconds. sigma : ndarray, shape (k,) Conductivity of spherical shells, starting with the outermost in (S/m). radius : ndarray, shape (k,) Radius of the interfaces in between the layers, starting with outermost layer in kilometers (i.e. conductor surface, see Notes). n : int Spherical degree of inducing external field. kind : {'quadratic', 'constant'}, optional Approximation for "quadratic" layers (layers of sigma with inverse quadratic dependence on radius) or "constant" layers (layers of constant sigma, last layer will be set to infinity irrespective of its value in ``sigma[-1]``). Returns ------- C : ndarray, shape (m,) C-response in (km), complex. rho_a : ndarray, shape (m,) Electrical surface resistance in (:math:`\\Omega m`). phi : ndarray, shape (m,) Proportional to phase angle of C-response in degrees. Q : ndarray, shape (m,) Q-response, complex. Notes ----- Option ``kind='quadratic'``: The following shows how the conductivity is defined in the sphercial shells: | ``radius[0]`` >= `r` > ``radius[1]``: \ ``sigma[0]`` * ( ``radius[0]`` / `r` ) * * 2 | ``radius[1]`` >= `r` > ``radius[2]``: \ ``sigma[1]`` * ( ``radius[1]`` / `r` ) * * 2 | ... | ``radius[k-1]`` >= `r` > 0 : \ ``sigma[k-1]`` * ( ``radius[k-1]`` / `r` ) * * 2 Courtesy of A. Grayver. Code based on Kuvshinov & Semenov (2012). Option ``kind='constant'``: The following shows how the conductivity is defined in the sphercial shells: | ``radius[0]`` >= `r` > ``radius[1]``: ``sigma[0]`` | ``radius[1]`` >= `r` > ``radius[2]``: ``sigma[1]`` | ... | ``radius[k-1]`` >= `r` > 0 : ``sigma[k-1]`` = ``np.inf`` \ (:math:`\\sigma` = `\\inf`) There are ``k`` sphercial shells of uniform conductivity with radius in (km) and conductivity :math:`\\sigma` in (S/m). The last shell corresponds to the sphercial core whose conductivity is set to infinity regardless of the provided ``sigma[-1]``. The program should work also for very small periods, where it models the response of a layered plane conductor | Python version: August 2018, Clemens Kloss | Matlab version: November 2000, Nils Olsen | Original Fortran program: Peter Weidelt """ if kind is None: kind = 'quadratic' periods = np.asarray(periods, dtype=float) # ensure numpy array if periods.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Input ``periods`` must be a vector.") sigma = np.asarray(sigma, dtype=float) # ensure numpy array if sigma.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Conductivity ``sigma`` must be a vector.") if kind == 'constant': nl = radius.size-2 # index of last layer, there are nl+1 layers eps = 1.0e-10 zlimit = 3 fac1 = factorial(n) fac2 = (-1)**n * fac1/(2*n+1) # initialze helpers variables and output C = np.empty(periods.shape, dtype=complex) z = np.empty((2,), dtype=complex) p = np.empty((2,), dtype=complex) q = np.empty((2,), dtype=complex) pd = np.empty((2,), dtype=complex) qd = np.empty((2,), dtype=complex) for counter, period in enumerate(periods): for il in range(nl, -1, -1): # runs over nl...0 k = np.sqrt(8.0e-7 * 1.0j * np.pi**2 * sigma[il] / period) z[0] = k*radius[il]*1000 z[1] = k*radius[il+1]*1000 # calculate spherical bessel functions with small argument # by power series (abramowitz & Stegun 10.2.5, 10.2.6 # and 10.2.4): if abs(z[0]) < zlimit: for m in range(2): p[m] = 1+0j q[m] = 1+0j pd[m] = n qd[m] = -(n+1) zz = z[m]**2 / 2 j = 1 dp = 1+0j dq = 1+0j while (abs(dp) > eps or abs(dq) > eps): dp = dp * zz / j / (2*j+1+2*n) dq = dq * zz / j / (2*j-1-2*n) p[m] = p[m] + dp q[m] = q[m] + dq pd[m] = pd[m] + dp*(2*j+n) qd[m] = qd[m] + dq*(2*j-n-1) j += 1 p[m] = p[m] * z[m]**n / fac1 q[m] = q[m] * z[m]**(-n-1) * fac2 q[m] = (-1)**(n+1) * np.pi/2 * (p[m]-q[m]) pd[m] = pd[m] * z[m]**(n-1) / fac1 qd[m] = qd[m] * z[m]**(-n-2) * fac2 qd[m] = (-1)**(n+1) * np.pi/2 * (pd[m]-qd[m]) v1 = p[1] / p[0] v2 = pd[0] / p[0] v3 = pd[1] / p[0] v4 = q[0] / q[1] v5 = qd[0] / q[1] v6 = qd[1] / q[1] else: # calculate spherical bessel functions with large argument # the exponential behaviour is split off and treated # separately (abramowitz & stegun 10.2.9 and 10.2.15) for m in range(2): zz = 2*z[m] rm = 1+0j rp = 1+0j rmd = 1+0j rpd = 1+0j d = 1+0j sg = 1+0j for j in range(1, n+1): d = d * (n+1-j)*(n+j) / j / zz sg = -sg rp = rp + d rm = rm + sg*d rmd = rmd + sg*d*(j+1) rpd = rpd + d*(j+1) e = np.exp(-2*z[m]) p[m] = (rm - sg*rp*e) / zz q[m] = (np.pi/zz) * rp pd[m] = ((rm + sg*rp*e) / zz - 2*(rmd - sg*rpd*e) / zz**2) qd[m] = -q[m] - 2*np.pi*rpd / zz**2 e = np.exp(-(z[0] - z[1])) v1 = p[1] / p[0] * e v2 = pd[0] / p[0] v3 = pd[1] / p[0] * e v4 = q[0] / q[1] * e v5 = qd[0] / q[1] * e v6 = qd[1] / q[1] if (il == nl): b = k*(v2 - v5*v1) / (1 - v4*v1) else: b = (k*((v2 - v5*v1)*b + k*(v5*v3-v2*v6)) / ((1 - v4*v1)*b + k*(v4*v3 - v6))) C[counter] = radius[0] / (1+1000*radius[0]*b) # C in km print("Finished {:.1f}%".format( (counter+1)/periods.size*100), end='\r') print('') # if nargout > 1 rho_a = 1e-7*8*np.pi**2 / periods * np.abs(C*1000)**2 phi = 90 + 57.3*np.angle(C) Q = n/(n+1) * (1 - (n+1)*C/radius[0]) / (1 + n*C/radius[0]) elif kind == 'quadratic': radius = 1e3*np.asarray(radius, dtype=float) # constants mu = 4*np.pi*1e-7 omega = 2*np.pi*1.0j/periods # Number of layers N = sigma.size M = omega.size # Preallocate Y = np.zeros((M, N), dtype=complex) # values for inner sphere, r = N (core) qk = -omega*mu*radius[-1] bk = np.sqrt((n+0.5)**2 - qk*sigma[-1]*radius[-1]) bkp = bk + 0.5 Y[:, -1] = -bkp/qk # Loop over all layers above core (from core to surface) # from before last (N-2) to first (0) for k in range(N-2, -1, -1): # Compute temporary scalars qk = -omega*mu*radius[k] bk = np.sqrt((n+0.5)**2 - qk*sigma[k]*radius[k]) bkp = bk + 0.5 bkm = bk - 0.5 etak = radius[k]/radius[k+1] zetak = etak**(2*bk) tauk = (1. - zetak) / (1. + zetak) # handling of precision overflow due to high frequencies tauk[np.isnan(tauk)] = -1. qk = -omega*mu*radius[k] qk1 = -omega*mu*radius[k+1] qY = qk1*Y[:, k+1] # Admittance for this layer Y[:, k] = 1/qk*(qY*(bk-0.5*tauk)+bkp*bkm*tauk)/(bk+tauk*(0.5+qY)) # Compute the C-response (in km) C = 1/(omega*mu*Y[:, 0])/1e3 rho_a = mu*omega*np.abs(C*1000)**2 # rho_a in (Ohm*m) phi = 90 + 57.3*np.angle(C) # phase phi in degrees # Q-response Q = n/(n+1)*(1-(n+1)*C/(radius[0]/1e3))/(1+n*C/(radius[0]/1e3)) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown option "kind={kind}".') return C, rho_a, phi, Q
[docs]def q_response(frequency, nmax): """ Compute the Q-response for a given conductivity model of Earth. The conductivity model is loaded during the computation from ``basicConfig['file.Earth_conductivity']``. Parameters ---------- frequency : ndarray, shape (N,) Vector of `N` frequencies (1/sec) for which to compute the Q-response. nmax : int Maximum spherical harmonic degree of inducing field. Returns ------- q_response : ndarray, shape (nmax, N) Q-response for every frequency and harmonic degree of inducing field. Index 0 corresponds to degree 1, index 1 corresponds to degree 2, and so on. """ # load conductivity model filepath = config_utils.basicConfig['file.Earth_conductivity'] sigma_model = np.loadtxt(filepath) radius_ref = 6371.2 # reference radius in km # unpack file: depth and layer conductivity # convert depth to radius sigma_radius = radius_ref - sigma_model[:, 0] # conductivity profile sigma = sigma_model[:, 1] # find all harmonic terms index = frequency > 0.0 periods = 1 / frequency[index] q_response = np.zeros((nmax, frequency.size), dtype=complex) for n in range(nmax): print('Calculating Q-response for degree {:}'.format(n+1)) # compute Q-response for conductivity model and given degree n C_n, rho_n, phi_n, Q_n = q_response_1D( periods, sigma, sigma_radius, n+1, kind='quadratic') q_response[n, index] = Q_n # index 0: degree 1, index 1: degree 2, ... return q_response