Source code for chaosmagpy.config_utils

`chaosmagpy.config_utils` contains functions and classes to manipulate the
configuration dictionary, which contains parameters and options in ChaosMagPy.
The following list gives an overview of the possible keywords. The keywords can
be accessed after importing chaosmagpy through:

>>> import chaosmagpy as cp
>>> cp.basicConfig['params.r_surf']  # get Earth's mean radius in km


 ======================  =============  =======================================
 Value                   Type           Description
 ======================  =============  =======================================
 'params.r_surf'         `float`        Reference radius in kilometers
                                        (defaults to Earth's surface radius of
                                        6371.2 km).
 'params.r_cmb'          `float`        Core-mantle boundary radius in
                                        kilometers (defaults to 3485.0 km).
 'params.dipole'         `list`,        Coefficients of the dipole (used for
                         `ndarray`,     GSM/SM coordinate transformations) in
                         `shape (3,)`   units of nanotesla.
 'params.ellipsoid'      `list`,        Equatorial (index 0) and polar radius
                         `ndarray`      (index 1) of the spheroid describing
                         `shape (2,)`   Earth (WGS84) in units of kilometers.
 'params.CHAOS_version'  `str`          Version of the CHAOS model that was
                                        constructed with the built-in RC-index,
                                        e.g. ``'7.1'``.
 'params.cdf_to_mjd'     `int`          Number of days on Jan 01, 2000 since
                                        Jan 01, 0000 (CDF start epoch)
 ======================  =============  =======================================


 ==========================  ===========  =====================================
 Value                       Type         Description
 ==========================  ===========  =====================================
 'file.RC_index'             `h5-file`,   RC-index file (used for external
                             `txt-file`   field computation). See also
 'file.GSM_spectrum'         `npz-file`   GSM transformation coefficients. See
                                          also :func:`coordinate_utils.\\
 'file.SM_spectrum'          `npz-file`   SM transformation coefficients. See
                                          also :func:`coordinate_utils.\\
 'file.Earth_conductivity'   `txt-file`   Conductivity model of a layered Earth
                                          (used for induced fields).
 ==========================  ===========  =====================================


 ==========================  ===========  =====================================
 Value                       Type         Description
 ==========================  ===========  =====================================
 'plots.figure_width'        `float`      Plot width in inches (defaults to 6.3
                                          or equiv. 16cm)
 ==========================  ===========  =====================================

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: classes
    :template: myclass.rst



import os
import re
import json
import numpy as np
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager

ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
LIB = os.path.join(ROOT, 'lib')

# copied/inspired by matplotlib.rcsetup
def check_path_exists(s):
    """Check that path to file exists."""
    if s is None or s == 'None':
        return None
    if os.path.exists(s):
        return s
        raise FileNotFoundError(f'{s} does not exist.')

def check_float(s):
    """Convert to float."""
        return float(s)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError(f'Could not convert {s} to float.')

def check_int(s):
    """Convert to integer."""
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError(f'Could not convert {s} to integer.')

def check_string(s):
    """Convert to string."""
        return str(s)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError(f'Could not convert {s} to string.')

def check_vector(s, len=None):
    """Check that input is vector of required length."""
        s = np.array(s)
        assert s.ndim == 1
        if len is not None:
            if s.size != len:
                raise ValueError(f'Wrong length: {s.size} != {len}.')
        return s
    except Exception as err:
        raise ValueError(f'Not a valid vector. {err}')

def check_version_string(s):
    """Check correct format of version string."""

    s = check_string(s)

    match ='\d+\.\d+', s)
    if match:
        return s
        raise ValueError(f'Not supported version format "{s}".'
                         'Must be of the form "x.x" with x an integer.')

    'params.r_surf': [6371.2, check_float],
    'params.r_cmb': [3485.0, check_float],
    'params.dipole': [np.array([-29442.0, -1501.0, 4797.1]),
                      lambda x: check_vector(x, len=3)],
    'params.ellipsoid': [np.array([6378.137, 6356.752]),
                         lambda x: check_vector(x, len=2)],
    'params.CHAOS_version': ['7.14', check_version_string],
    'params.cdf_to_mjd': [730485, check_int],

    # location of coefficient files
    'file.RC_index': [os.path.join(LIB, 'RC_index.h5'),
    'file.GSM_spectrum': [os.path.join(LIB, 'frequency_spectrum_gsm.npz'),
    'file.SM_spectrum': [os.path.join(LIB, 'frequency_spectrum_sm.npz'),
    'file.Earth_conductivity': [os.path.join(LIB, 'Earth_conductivity.dat'),

    # plot related configuration
    'plots.figure_width': [6.3, check_float],

[docs]class BasicConfig(dict): """Class for creating CHAOS configuration dictionary.""" defaults = DEFAULTS def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().update(*args, **kwargs) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set and check value before updating dictionary.""" try: try: cval = self.defaults[key][1](value) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f'Key "{key}": {err}') super().__setitem__(key, cval) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f'"{key}" is not a valid parameter.') def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(map('{0[0]}: {0[1]}'.format, sorted(self.items())))
[docs] def reset(self, key): """ Load default values. Parameters ---------- key : str Single keyword that is reset to the default. """ self.__setitem__(key, self.defaults[key][0])
[docs] def fullreset(self): """ Load all default values. """ super().update({key: val for key, (val, _) in self.defaults.items()})
[docs] def load(self, filepath): """ Load configuration dictionary from file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Filepath and name to json-formatted configuration txt-file. """ with open(filepath, 'r') as f: kwargs = json.load(f) if len(kwargs) == 0: warnings.warn( 'Configuration dictionary loaded from file is empty.') for key, value in kwargs.items(): # check format and set key value pairs self.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def save(self, filepath): """ Save configuration dictionary to a file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Filepath and name of the textfile that will be saved with the configuration values. """ def default(obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() with open(filepath, 'w') as f: json.dump(self, f, default=default, indent=4, sort_keys=True) print(f'Saved configuration textfile to {filepath}.')
[docs] @contextmanager def context(self, key, value): """ Use context manager to temporarily change setting. Parameters ---------- key : str BasicConfig configuration key. value Value compatible with ``key``. Examples -------- Temporarily change the radius of Earth's surface for a computation and then change it back to the original value. .. code-block:: python from chaosmagpy import basicConfig print('Before: ', basicConfig['params.r_surf']) # change Earth's radius to 10 km with basicConfig.context('params.r_surf', 10): # do something at r_surf = 10 km ... print('Inside: ', basicConfig['params.r_surf']) print('After: ', basicConfig['params.r_surf']) """ old_value = self.__getitem__(key) self.__setitem__(key, value) yield self.__setitem__(key, old_value)
# load defaults basicConfig = BasicConfig({key: val for key, (val, _) in DEFAULTS.items()}) if __name__ == '__main__': # ensure default passes tests for key, (value, test) in DEFAULTS.items(): if not np.all(test(value) == value): print(f"{key}: {test(value)} != {value}")